

10 on 10 :: October 2016

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!} ten on ten button
8 years ago on October 10, 2008, I participated with 10 on 10 for the very first time.
It was super small & only a handful of people even knew about it.
My blog was only 2 months old and I thought it was such a fun idea to document my day every hour for 10 hours. My little Claire Bear was only 1 month old.
 Since that very first time I did 10 on 10, I was hooked.
For the past EIGHT years, every month, I have documented the 10th day of the month.
I haven't missed a month yet!!!
I have been a couple days late posting my 10 on 10 but I have still documented the 10th of each month. Sometimes life just gets busy & I don't have time to post on the actual 10th.
I love looking back on the 10th of each month and seeing the beauty in the ordinary days.
Here is a sneak peek at our day!
The first photo of my 10 on 10 is usually coffee because that is always how I start my day.
Well, we were out of coffee filters on Monday morning, so that meant no coffee.
I got home from 4 days in Vegas Sunday afternoon, so needless to say on this Monday morning, I was VERY, VERY tired. No coffee was rough. We have coffee in our staff room, but of course today...we were out. AHH!!!!! I wanted to cry.
So, I chose to focus on something the beautiful roses that are blooming on our campus right now. You gotta love Fall in California!
Today, in some of my classes, we made flip books for Order of Operations.
 During my break I went straight to Starbucks.  I have a *slight* coffee addiction. And after 4 days in Vegas only getting 4-5 hours of sleep each night, coffee was more than necessary!
After I got back to school, I had to stay a little bit longer to finish up grading...1st quarter grades were due today!
Time to go get Luke....wearing my most comfortable shoes EVER. They feel like slippers. And, again....after 4 days of walking a ton in Vegas (and wearing heels most of the time) these flats felt like heaven today!
 One of my favorite sayings is "Happy Fall Y'all" (it's the only time I say y'all) How perfect is this banner?
 Time to get dinner prepped. My Crock Pot is on it's last leg, so it was time bust out the Insta Pot & see if it lives up to the hype.....

After I prepped dinner, Kate & I waited on the porch for her soccer carpool to pick her up. We were admiring the pumpkin she decorated this weekend at one of her friend Taylor's birthday party.

 As I was helping Claire with homework, I was organizing some mini facials that I picked up in Vegas while I was at our Rodan + Fields convention. I have a bunch of mini facials that I want to giveaway.
Leave a comment letting me know you want one or send me an email if you want one!
  First come, first serve :)

We picked Kate up from soccer & then had dinner. The insta pot was a HUGE success! Normally this meal takes between 6-8 hours in a Crock Pot. In the Insta Pot it took 1 hour! WHAT?!?
 Also...stay tuned for this recipe...I will be posting it soon for my annual Crocktober Post!

After dinner, it was time to watch the Giants vs. Cubs! Game 3 of the NL Wild Card....Cubs were up 2-0 in the series. If the Cubs won, then the series was over, since it's best of 5 games.
 Right now it is almost midnight & the game is in the 13th inning and the Giants just won!!!
Giants torture!!!!!
As you can see in the background, I have been using my nervous energy to make the kids lunches & get their backpacks all ready for the morning. 

Hope you had a great Monday & thanks for following along on my 10 on 10 posts every single month for the past 8 years!!


  1. I'd love a mini facial! And I always look forward to your 10 on 10!

  2. I recently started a blog and came across your 10 on 10 and decided to do the same! What a fun idea! Thanks!

  3. I'd love to try R&F. I've been trying to justify the expense but I'm getting to the age where I need some serious skincare help!

  4. Vegas looked like so much fun through your pictures! I would love a mini facial- I recently got married and got back from my honeymoon and all the travel/stress/changes has done a number on my skin!

  5. I would love to try a facial!

  6. OMG the Giants were killing us last night!!! I had to go to bed and watch from there and I am so tired this morning! BUT YAY! Go Giants! We Are SF!!!

  7. I'd love to try a mini facial. Thanks!

  8. Love your blog and would Love a mini facial!

  9. I would love a mini facial! I have been looking at R&F and trying to justify the cost but I am getting to the age that I need to spend money on my skincare!

  10. If you have any left, I would love a mini-facial! I can't believe you stayed up until mid-night watching the game after just getting home from Vegas! How did you make it? Today may be a long one! 😉

  11. Would love a mini facial if you have any left!

  12. I would love a facial if you have anymore

  13. I would love a mini facial. I love my R+F products!

  14. I would love to try a mini facial please!!

  15. I would love to try a mini facial-I always enjoy reading your blog!

  16. So nice of you to give away your mini facials! Thank you!

  17. You had to work on Columbus Day!? So sorry- October is always my downward slump in my joy for teaching, so that 3 day weekend really helps! Hope you're stocked up on your coffee now!

  18. I always love your 10 on 10! Hope you are recovering from such a fun weekend! :)

  19. Mini facial sounds wonderful!
    No coffee any day sim just terrible but I'm a Monday!!😬

  20. I love that you do this- looks like the original host may not be anymore. You should take over this linkup Mel!! :)

  21. I admire your dedication to these posts! How fun and it's so awesome to look back at snipets of your life. And these play off games were killing my sleep schedule, but it was all worth it since the Cubs won last night!! (sorry, cubs fan here and a VERY excited one at that!)

  22. I would love a mini facial. I love my R+F products!

  23. I would love to try a mini facial! Send me one please!

  24. Just finished a big test and a facial sounds perfect!

  25. I would love a mini facial...interested in R+F but haven't purchased anything yet. I would also be interested to get your feedback on the Insta Pot!

  26. I love your 10 on 10! Next year I turn 50 and am thinking of starting a blog to chronicle my year. 10 on 10 would be a neat way for me to capture my life each month of my 50th year. Great blog!! Thank you for the time you put into each post. :)

  27. I would love a mini facial if u still have one!
