

2016 Garden {Month 3} + Winners!

It's been a little over 3 months since we planted our 2016 Garden, so I thought I would do another garden update.

Here is what our 2016 garden looked like when I first planted it:

Here it is about a month later:
And here is it TWO Months after planting it:
And, here it is this week at a little over 3 months:
 My tomatoes are producing a ton! 

I am watering 1-2 times a week (we are in a drought still so I am trying to be smart about watering & that seems to be working well)

About 3 weeks ago, my Early Girl tomatoes started turning red. They are my favorite!
 My 5 varieties of cherry tomatoes are still going strong:
 We love going out to the garden & eating tomatoes off the vine.
 Some of them are so sweet, it's like candy!
One of my favorite meals to make with them is sprialized zuchinni noodles, tomatoes, pesto & a little feta chesse. Delicious!
I have  THIS veggie spiralizer. It's awesome & so easy to use!

The most exciting thing this month is that our pumpkins are totally growing!
 I have 1 orange pumpkin:
 And, 1 pumpkin that isn't orange has until October ;)
 I hope we get a least 1 more pumpkin so that each of our kids can carve a pumpkin from our garden this Halloween :)

We are still getting zuchinni & squash...not as abundant as it was in July, but we are still getting 1 or 2 a week.
We started school this week, so I am a couple days behind announcing the winners of some of the winners from my 8 year Blogoversary Giveaway that I had last week.

I did so well blogging last week....5 days in a row. I told you that wasn't going to happen again for a LONG time. LOL! This week as been crazy busy with school starting, which is why I haven't blogged in almost a week. Oops. 
The $100 Target Gift Card Giveaway  Winner is Lexi R.
The $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway winner is Rachael M.
The $100 Etsy Gift Card Giveaway winner is Audra W.

Congrats ladies! Leave a comment or send me an email to claim your prize:

There is still time to enter the remaining 2 Giveaways:
$100 in Rodan + Fields Products Giveaway ends tonight! Enter HERE
$250 Nordstrom Giftcard giveaway ends on Friday night. Enter HERE

Hope you are all having a great week!


  1. Ha! Try haven't blogged since JUNE. OOPS. ;)

  2. Your zucchini noodles look delicious! Can you share your recipe?

  3. Love your garden. I remember how excited I was to carve my very first garden pumpkin as a kid.

  4. Mel- Do you and your husband have a tutorial or suggested plans for building the garden boxes? My husband has this on his want to do list for the winter.
