

Our 2015 Summer List

It always takes me a few days to unwind from the school year!
On the first day of Summer Break, I always have some summer "presents" for my kids on the breakfast table.
 These are little gifts that I give them to celebrate that it is summer. 
And, it is slightly based on working mom guilt. Ha!
I got them some Super Soakers, Sand Toys, Bubbles, Dive Sticks & a Basketball hoop for the pool.
One of my favorite things to do at the start of each Summer is make a Summer List with the girls.
They love making it also!
  They are in charge of the Summer List. I don't give them any suggestions, it is all their ideas.
 They love coming up with ideas & decorating the poster after I write out the list.
  I like making a Summer List because it helps with ideas for what they want to do in the summer.
Our summer is pretty un-scheduled for the most part (besides Swim Team 3x a week & 2 camps the girls attend), so doing a Summer List helps me (and them) be intentional about what we do during the summer.

  Do you have a summer list? 
What are looking forward to doing this summer?


  1. aww I LOVE the "Mommy + _____ date" ideas!! How stinkin sweet!! Such a precious list, and I love that all of the ideas where things THEY came up!

  2. I love the list your girls put together! I'd want to do all of those things too. My little guy is too young to come up with a list -- if I asked he would just say "play dinosaurs", but I don't think that will stop me from making one for us! Happy Summer!

  3. I love the gifts you leave out for them on the table :)
    Your list is wonderful!
    I will be making one today ;)

  4. Have a huge pack of those them. Our summer list this year is on my to do list-oops! And you just gave me anxiety because I only have Kieran's book somewhat filled out, Anna has a tiny bit, Tatum has a book with nothing in it, and Liam doesn't even have a book! Awful! I have my baby book that my mom created for me and still look at it! Now, off to go the summer list with the kids and write down my summer goals! Writing them down is HUGE, fun to check them off!

  5. I love bucket lists and it looks like you guys have a super busy and fun summer ahead! Donuts in pjs and glow stick swimming look like a blast!

  6. Ummmm no wonder we are summer list is almost identical to yours...I just finished applying for my new 5 year teaching license and all of the stuff that goes with it. I love, love the list you make with the girls! What an awesome idea!

  7. Sounds like a fun summer! We have a summer to do list too :)
