

15 Books in 2015

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved reading. 
Growing up, I would read every night before bed and stay up way too late reading with a flash light under my covers reading late...I would get so wrapped up in my books (and I am a night owl) and even as a kid I would stay up late and read.
My best friend AK and I would have reading competitions in the summer to see who could read the most BabySitters Club and Sweet Valley Twins books. 
I remember going to the library during the summer months when I was in middle school & high school and checking out stacks of books. I would read 30-40 books each summer!!
 But, for the past 12 years since college, becoming a teacher & mom of 3 young kids, my reading has totally decreased. I now read between 8-12 a year. That's it! And, I do most of my reading in the summer.

My goal this year in 2015 is to read 15 books.
My plan is to read 1 book per month and then in the summer months (June, July & August) read 2 books. I think that is a very attainable goal!
  I would LOVE to hear what your favorite books are!
These are types of books I love:
I have read the entire Harry Potter Series. Loved them
I have read the entire Twilight Series. Loved those also.
Hunger Games? Obsessed. Read all 3 books in 5 days.
Last summer I read all 3 books of the Divergent series & loved those.
Last year I also read Gone Girl & Fault in our Stars....both fanstasic!
I love reading things by Mary Higgins Clark & Jodi Picoult.
Last year I started reading Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult and also The Paris Wife by Paula Mclain but I never finished either of them...maybe I should try them again & finish them?
Right now I am reading The Best Yes & I am loving it.
So, as you can see, I have a random assortment of books I like! 
Do you love to read? How many books do you read each year?
I would love to hear your favorite books that you have read in the past year or two so I can add them to my list of books to read in 2015!


  1. I just read The Silver Star in 2 days! So good! Hoping to get some more ideas here. :)

  2. Are you on goodreads? You should be if not! I read a book a day two summer ago, and then grad school got in the way... I have read 27 books since the start of the school year... yes, while teaching full time... but I don't have kids! Check out: What Alice Forgot... if you want more YA, I love Percy Jackson books and the Ranger's Apprentice. I LOVE talking about and recommending books!

    1. A book a day during the summer?!?! You are my hero! Going to get on goodbooks....thank you for the rec! Cool website!

  3. I think you would love A discovery of witches by Deborah harkness. It is the first in a trilogy - all three are fab and it has vampires, witches and more!

  4. I was all about Divergent ... until the end. RAGE!

    I second the Goodreads recommendation, I read a lot. Probably more than I should, in regards to sleep deprivation but I also read a lot on the elliptical. But I like fluff -- not romantical fluff, angst fluff. And lately British romcoms, for some reason.

    1. Yes....major RAGE at the end!!!! Going to start a good books account! :)

  5. I love anything by Sophie Kinsella or Marian Keyes. Great chick-lit

    1. I have been told I would like Sophie Kinsella books, going to borrow some from a friend! :)

  6. Darkest Minds trilogy, by Alexandra Bracken. I think if you loved Divergent, Hunger Games, etc., you'll like it. Of course, it's not AS good as those, but entertaining.

    1. Thanks for the rec! Will check out that series! Sounds like I would like them!

  7. Just finished Still Alice in two days, also I love anything by Karen Kingsbury.

    1. Love books that I can't put down...will check out Still Alice!

  8. If you like Jodi Picoult you absolutely must read Nineteen Minutes! Totally reading your blog as research for my upcoming trip to San Francisco by the way. :)

    1. Let me know if you need any San Fran recommendations! Lived here my entire life :)

  9. I really like the way you set your goals. Attainable. I tend to be a "many books at one time" reader, which I'm not sure is the best way. Maybe that's one of the reasons I re-read many of my books. I've never read any of the series that you've listed but have always wanted to. They are some of my youngest daughter's favorites. She read many, many books per month. Here's a list I'm beginning with this year. Thanks for sharing.

  10. We have the same style in authors :)

  11. Since you like YA lit, try some books by Rainbow Rowell--Eleanor & Park and Fangirl are great!
    Looking for Alaska by John Green
    Delerium Trilogy by Lauren Oliver

  12. I can relate very closely to you. As a teacher I fin I read probably about 6-7 books a year. I'm a slow reader and only read at night. I love Jodi Picoult as well, and one of my favourites was The Storyteller (I couldn't put it down!). Also, have you read Karen Kingsbury books? Love! First time to your blog, and from what I see, I will definitely be back!

    1. Glad you like the blog! I haven't read Storyteller yet, I will check it out! And, several people have recommended Karen Kingsbury, need to look her up!

  13. I agree with the above poster about Goodreads. (I'm jenblount over there.) It's a great place to keep track of what you read and also what you WANT to read. I am awful about reading a book review and then forgetting what the book was called. You connect with other friends and you/they can review/recommend books also. I have been REALLY into Liane Moriarty lately. I've loved all I've read by her so far!

  14. Just finished The Best Yes and The Purpose Driven Life and both were fantastic.

    1. Loved purpose driven life! Our small group read that last year!

  15. I probably read at least 2 books a month. I try to read in spare moments. I read before I go to bed each night, when I dry my hair every morning (super boring to me, I've been doing this since I was probably 12 years old) & I happen to take public transit to work every day (not possible for probably most people), so I get in about another 30 or so minutes there a day. I hadn't read any Jodi Picoult for a while, but my sister gave me her newest book, "Leaving Time" when I was visiting for Christmas and I just cracked it open. It's a different plot, but good! The best book I read last year was "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt. It has a pretty serious plot, but is so well written and won the Pulitzer Prize!

    1. I second "Leaving Time". It is different than her other books, but soooo good!

    2. I haven't read Leaving Time yet...adding it to the list! Thank you!

  16. I loved loved loved Love, Skip, Jump by Shelene Bryan. I think you would enjoy The Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith. I want to read Mom's Night Out because I thought the movie was really funny and cute. Right now I'm reading Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker. I really liked Desperate by Sarah Mae. Sparkly Green Earrings and The Antelope in my living room by Melanie a shankle are easy must reads. And my all time favorite. Redeeming Love. Love the idea of reading 15 books in 2015. I love to read too.

    1. Thanks to you all who suggested goodreads. Seems like a really cool site!

    2. I also heard Interrupted was great! I read Sparkly Green Earrings when it came out & loved it. Want to read Antelope in my Living Room!

  17. Absolutely love Hunger Games! I've read the series 4 times now! I'm on Goodreads, would love any recommendation for good books!

  18. I love all the books/authors you mentioned.....I would suggest Liane Moriarty's books The Husband's Secret and Big Little Lies. I read them so fast! Couldn't put them down.

  19. I love reading too and like you am a night owl and avid night owl reader! My 2015 reading goal is to read 27 books, it's a bit of a stretch considering my average is about 17-20 books a year since college - previously growing up about a book a week or fortnight. Now I don't have kids but reading time depends how busy my work life is and how disciplined I am to make time to read. So far I've nearly finished my 2nd book so I decided to make this a "reach goal".

    Yes GoodReads is a great way to track your reading on the computer and iPhone App! I love it!

    I'm currently reading The Dressmaker of Khair Khana by by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon - I'm finding it interesting and insightful.
    One of my favourite book is The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri.

    I also liked Harry Potter series and some Jodi Picoult - The Pact, Handle with Care, House Rules, My Sister's Keeper. Wasn't a fan of "Change of Heart",

    Other books I've enjoyed that might appeal to you:
    *Tomorrow When the War Began Series by John Marsden (it's a YA genre adventure series so it's entertaining and enjoyable for adults too like Harry Potter is).
    *Anne Frank's Diary,
    *One Day by David Nicholls

    These books are on my "To Read" List that you might like to check out:
    * Nothing Holds Back the Night: A Novel by Delphine de Vigan
    * All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
    * The Same Sky by Amanda Eyre Ward

    Happy Reading!
    - Kate

    1. AWESOME list Kate!!!! Thank you so much!!!! Sounds like we have similar book taste!! Thanks for the awesome recommendations!

  20. I have had a goal to read a certain number of books the last two year and it has made all the difference. I also use Good Reads. A book I would recommend is You Before Me - by JoJo Meyers. I couldn't put it down. I also want to read The Best Yes!

  21. I was obsessed with Babysitter's Club and Sweet Valley Twins too!!! For YA lit, you have to read Wonder. It is amazing. Also, Laine Moriarty's books are fantastic - loved The Husband's Secret, Big Little Lies, and What Alice Forgot. All so good. I haven't read Jodi Picoult in a while, but I loved Nineteen Minutes, My Sister's Keeper, The Pact, Handle With Care, and House Rules. I always love anything by Jennifer Weiner and Elin Hillenbrand. As a fellow teacher and mother of 3 young kids, most of my reading is done in the summer as well. I miss reading as much as I used to!

    1. What Alice Forgot is what I am going to read after I finish The Best Yes! Thanks for your great recommendations, sounds like we have similar book taste :)

  22. I like all the same books as you. The kitchen house is one of the best books I have read in a long time. Different then what I usually read but so good, I couldn't put it down. I would also agree with a couple people to check out Liane Moriartys books (just finished big little lies and also read the husbands secret) and I also am a big fan of Jodi picoult and Kristin Hannah (have your read firefly lane, so good!).

    1. Adding Kitchen House to the list! Thanks for the recs, Bonnie!

  23. I love reading! I've always been a voracious reader. I consistently read 100+ books per year. Right now I'm reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. They are huge book. 1,000 pgs or more each. While I'm enjoying them, they have several dull moments for me. But I'm determined to finish. I have eclectic tastes. I am just all over the place. A recent favourite is BLACKMOORE by Julianne Donaldson. I also love These is My Words by Nancy Turner.

    1. Outlander books have over 1000 pages?!?!?! WOW! Might have to wait to start one of those in the summer!

  24. Oh, I totally forgot for YA: I read Counting by 7s to my class this year after reading it this summer, so good!!! I second Wonder, and also suggest The One and Only Ivan (which is a very fast read for an adult). Laine Moriarty is a theme! I am putting What Alice Forgot in district mail for you, and I also have another one of hers, Three Wishes.

    1. You rock, Devrah! Can't wait to read What Alice Forgot!!!

    2. Be sure to always post what book you are looking for on fb... I have a bunch of the ones people are recommending... My house and my classroom are both piled with books.

  25. Elin hildebrand (spelling) is an amazing author! I read all the books you listed and also love elin's books! Definitely give them a try!

  26. Dangit I think my whole comment got erased- hate when that happens! Okay can you do a follow up post with everyone's reccomendations?! I'm taking notes! ;) also love 19 minutes by Jodi piccoult and Unbroken. Incredible story!!

  27. All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr is really good. Best book I've read in a really long time.
