

10 on 10 :: July 2014

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button

 Today was your typical Summer day and it was glorious.
Here is a sneak peak of what we were up to:
Starting my day off with Coffee & Jesus Calling:
Breakfast time! Luke loves helping with things, especially carrying his plate to the table (and putting things away)
Can't believe he will be TWO in a month!
Watering my garden this tomatoes are turning red! So exciting!
Swim team for the girls. Luke is such a trooper going to their practices each day. He just wants to swim with them (Thank goodness for pool fences!)
 After swim practice, we headed to the Sprint store because I needed to get a new phone. My old iPhone was almost 2 years old and the battery would only last an hour. I had to constanstly keep it plugged in & charging. So annoying! We were eligible for new phones, so we both got the 5s. My kids were troopers & were at the store for almost 2 hours with me!
We went to Panera after the Sprint store for lunch, the girls were begging for Cinnamon crunch bagels. I got my favorite....Thai Chicken Salad.
 Got home & it was time for Luke's nap, so that meant it was pool time for the girls & reading time for me!
Finished it tonight. Starting Allegiant tomorrow! Have you read this series?

My little fish. They just love being in the pool.
 Dinner Prep. Chopping up Squash & Zucchini that I picked this morning. 
Time to drag eveyone out of the pool...It's Dinnertime!
  Tri Tip, Roasted Veggies, Cantelope & Blueberries and of course wine. Always wine.

It was a great summer day. I just love the lazy dog days of summer.
Hope you had a great 10th!


  1. Love "day in the life" type posts. Loved every bit of this one :).

  2. How do you cook your tri tip? It looks so delicious.

  3. That sounds like a beautiful and perfect day! :)
    ~Amanda from His and Her Hobbies

  4. Dinner looks so yummy and the fresh veggies from your garden. Love!

  5. I love calling Jesus! Your dinner looks amazing and yes wine is always needed at dinner :) you are one brave mamma taking the kids to the sprint store with you.

  6. I love the Thai chicken salad from Panera too! So glad y'all are having such a fun summer :)

  7. What a lovely day. I read the divergent series and loved the first two. The last one upset me. I feel like it's my job to prepare everyone bc I was blindsided!

  8. does look relaxing. I'll be in your area next weekend. Hope to say "hi"!


  9. My daughter is reading that series right now. She's loving it.
    Your pool is amazing, I'm jealous!
    Hope you have a good weekend!!!

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