

It's Birthday Week.

Just 4 days away. 
I can't believe it. 
The past month has flown by.
Probably because I was in Lake Tahoe for 2 out of the past 4 weeks.
This past trip to Tahoe, when we got there, Luke was still a baby, but while we were there, he started walking. When we left Tahoe a week later, it felt like I was bringing home a toddler instead of a baby.

Our Tahoe trip was great & much needed.
Good to get away from the hustle & bustle of everyday life.
Filled with quality family time and lots of outdoor time enjoying the beautiful sights of Lake Tahoe. 
If you haven't been to Lake Tahoe, you need to go. 
It is so beautiful. So peaceful. So quiet up there. 

Wine on the deck. Bliss.

Donuts for breakfast. Why not? It's vacation. 

Hours & Hours of playing Monopoly Jr. (shoot me now) Ha!

Beautiful Views of the Lake from Kevin's mountain bike ride.

Kings Beach. 

I could stare at this view everyday.

Chocolate Dipped Cones.

 Teacher Mommy making the girls do workbooks even on vacation. They love them..for now.

 Poolside & Mountain side. Love.

My Vacation Essentials.

 Vacation Time = Rum & Coke Time.

 Decisions, Decisions. Sea Salt Caramel Wins. Amazing.

More beach days with friends who were also on vacation here.


 Sandcastle Building.

Happy Place.

Good-bye Tahoe. Thanks for the memories.

 Back home & celebrating my older sister's birthday.

Birthday Prep. I got this high chair 2 years ago at a Garage Sale for $20. I got it as a photo shoot prop for friends.
 Never thought I would have another baby to use it on. Can't wait to show you what it looks like with a fresh coat of spray paint!
Birthdays are bittersweet, for sure. 
I always get emotional the week of my kid's birthdays.
It's so fun seeing them meet new milestones and become bigger people, but at the same time, I wish they would stay little forever. 

I have been thinking back to last year during this week.
39 weeks pregnant....waiting for our little one to arrive.

So much anticipation & excitement.
Would it be a boy or a girl?
Would our kids be Kate, Claire & Luke?
Or would we be an all girl family with our daughters Kate, Claire & Emma?

Last year during this week, it was over 100 degrees the entire week.
I was was walking miles each day after getting my membranes stripped trying to will this baby out. 

This year, it is only supposed to be in the low 80s all week and I am chasing after a cute little boy who is learning to walk himself. 

What a difference a year makes!


  1. Because I am still up and have to go to school...tomorrow!!!! Ack! Your week was my week and I want to be back in Tahoe RIGHT NOW. Except the walking part...yay for baby/toddler Luke! Can't believe Liam is right behind him. For now, I'll stick with 10 months, half army crawling, half crawling, climbing stairs (yikes!) and NO teeth! Happy almost birthday, Luke!

  2. What an Amazing holiday!! I am so very jealous!! (And happy birthday wee man!!)

  3. Sounds like a fantastic week!
    My "baby boy" turns 14 today, and I still stare at him and wonder how on earth that could be possible!!! (Mainly because I still feel like a 25 year old, but... ha ha ha!) Enjoy every single moment...even those mind-numbing Monopoly Jr. games, argh! =)

  4. Such a fun post! Your trip to Tahoe looked AMAZING! The view, the food, the drinks, the cute kids...really, it looked perfect!

  5. I told a few people that I feel like I've had a toddler for months (since she was walking at 10) and I'm exhausted. It's true, the second they walk---it changes so much. Happy birthday week, luke!! (this all feels like yesterday!!!!)

  6. SUCH FUN!!!!! My goodness a year is just a flash in the pan. Can't wait to see all of the birthday posts!

  7. looks such a fun, relaxing trip! and I'm now craving a chocolate dipped cone AND a sprinkled donut! yum!

  8. I love your pics of Tahoe, so pretty! I used to live there and I totally miss it! xoxo

  9. Love your pics of Tahoe! I've never been there, but would love to go. Do you rent a place there?

  10. I feel like you posted about the gelato before and I picked up some of the sea salt caramel flavor. Freaking addictively amazing!

    Also, my husband and I heart cribbage! A few years ago I may have indicated how I'd like to play another game sometime, to which he replied, "But, we fell in love playing cribbage!" So, we happily cribbage on :)

  11. We just got back from Tahoe today.....LOVE it there!! I love all your Tahoe pictures.

  12. It really is funny how life changes from year to year!
    Love all the Tahoe pictures. Such a beautiful place. Definitely on my bucket list to visit one day!

  13. So fun! I remember this time last year waiting to see if it would be a boy or a girl! Time really does fly! Happy birthday, Luke!

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