

Our 2013 Garden {Week 1}

For the past 3 years, I have planted a garden in our backyard.
Kevin grew up with a garden in their backyard & so did I.
We LOVE homegrown veggies. They taste amazing!
I get a little too excited every April when the weather turns warm because that means it's Garden Time!
I carefully plan out what I am planting in each garden box (that Kevin built for me!)
Each year, I have do most of the same things, but I like to try out something new each year.
Here is our 2013 Garden:
 Garden Box #1
Here is what is in Garden Box #1:
(This is my first year doing Spinach. I did Lettuce last year & it was awesome. Hoping the Spinach turns out well also!)
 I do Cucumbers & Carrots in seed form. I plant them in these little planting pots (so that the seeds stay put when you water them)
 I have all my herbs in the first garden box also:

 I was able to put a lot of things in the first box because the items I did plant in there don't get too big!

Garden Box #2
2 of these....yum!
Garden Box #2 didn't have that much because the Zucchini gets massive & so does the squash.

Garden Box #3
 This box is purely tomatoes. Normally I do 5 Early Girl Tomato Plants in this box. They are my most favorite homegrown tomato. They are the BEST!!! YUM.
But, this year, I did 4 Early Girl plants and decided to try my hand at an Heirloom Tomato. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
Around the perimeter of our Garden, we have 4 fruit trees:
   In years past, I have crammed in too many "vine" plants into the Garden Boxes, so this year, I decided to utilize some of the space outside of the garden boxes. Keeping my fingers crossed this works out better & some of these plants don't take over the garden like they have in years past.
 The girls think our homegrown watermelons are weird because they have "black seeds" in them. Brings me back to my childhood when there was no such thing as "seedless" watermelon!
 My favorite thing (besides tomatoes) to grow...Pumpkins! We got TEN last year, from one little plant like this:
 Trying my hand at these, thanks to a recommendation from one of Kevin's co-workers:
 (Going to try and make homemade dill pickles with these!)

I have been asked if I have any gardening tips.
Here is what I would advise:
1. Plant your garden in a place in your yard that gets lots of afternoon sun.
2. Make sure you water your plants 3-4 times a week during mild weather and everyday during a heat wave.
3. Get new dirt each year, more specifically one for gardens. We order a Garden Mix from our local nursery. 
4.  Block your garden off with a fence (or barricade) if you have a pet who likes to ruin your garden. Our lab dug up 3 of my tomato plants within 2 hours of planting them. UGH. And, last year, she kept eating them off the vine. Bad Dog ;)

5. If you are planting Tomatoes, you MUST get this:
$5 at Home Depot. It works wonders!

I will update our garden progress about once a month, it's such a fun little hobby, and the girls LOVE helping me plant, water & pick the veggies.

Do you have a Backyard Garden? What is your favorite thing to grow?
Let me know if you have any other garden questions (and feel free to add your tips!)


  1. I wanted to do a small garden this year but I still haven't built my garden boxes. I still have time, I hope so.

    1. If you get the garden planted sometime in May, you will be fine! Good luck! :)

  2. I'm not sure we can be friends any more. This is just too much! You have to fly to Dallas and plant me a garden! And then come back every day to water it. Work for you? ;)

    1. I will totally fly out & plant your garden. You are up at 4:30 every morning, surely you have time to water it each day :)

  3. I just planted a garden and posted about it yesterday! My husband built a box for me. I am anxious to see how it goes this year!! Check mine out if you will and give me any tips you think I need lol!!

  4. um wow, so impressed! We're trying this year and it's going well so far! Tomatoes, green pepper, zucchini, basil and cilantro. Do you sell your stuff? Or can? You must have so much!

    1. also, when do fruit trees start getting fruit?

    2. I don't sell it, the surplus is given away to our neighbors, family & friends :) Claire's birthday is in September, so 2 years ago we had SO many tomatoes, I gave all the adults empty bags & they went and picked tomatoes to take home :)
      I have no idea when fruit trees get fruit....a few years? Ours our less than 2 years old, no fruit yet. I will keep you posted!

  5. I love this! It is dedinitely my dream to have a garden one day! You have inspired me so much :)
    Rebecca :)

  6. Also wondering when your fruit trees get fruit? And im jealous of your cilantro.. it is one of the things I cant keep alive

    1. I have no idea when fruit trees get fruit....a few years? Ours our less than 2 years old, no fruit yet. I will keep you posted!
      And...side note....I hate cilantro! haha! But, I grow it because my neighbors use it!

  7. I LOVE lemon cucumbers! How fun. Can't wait to see everything come Summer!

  8. Is your garden organic. If so, how hard is it to keep plants alive.

    1. Most of the plants are organic, a few things aren't. Easy to keep it alive as long as you water! My tomato food is also organic.

  9. When I was younger, I HATED helping in the garden. My dad farms, so we were always in the field helping him, and then we'd have to plant the garden as well. We planted (and still plant) a couple acres of sweet corn..."Incredible" from Pioneer is the best ever. However, my mom does plant other things in her garden as well. :) I think that maybe when we decide it's time to buy a house, I will try a smaller garden. I mean, growing up on the farm, how can I not? ;)

    1. You grew up on a farm? Fun! You TOTALLY need to try a small garden, it's so fun :)

  10. This post makes me want to start my own garden! However, I can't landscape for the life of me. I wonder if I should try my hand at vegetables?

  11. Your garden is impressive - love your choices! My parent's plant a huge garden on their farm so I'm lucky that I get to reep those benefits :) I did purchase herbs for my container herb garden today. I love being able to go onto the deck and pick what I need. I'll have to tell my mom about Mater Magic!

  12. Holy amazing!!! I am blown away with all that you guys have planted!!! You could open up your own produce market!! :) I bet there is nothing like eating your own home grown fruits and veggies. I am impressed, lady!

  13. Everything I've read makes growing Pumpkins seem extremely cumbersome. Would you be willing to do a post about your pumpkin growing experience?
