

Luke :: 8 months old

Our Lukey Guy is 8 months old today!
Here are Luke's 8 month stats:
Weight: 18 lbs 2 oz (50th %)
Height: 28 inches (50th %)
Clothing: 6-9 months
Diapers: Size 4
Sleeping:  10-12 hours a night!! Praise Jesus. For real.
 Tricks: Sits up on his own like a big boy! Is officially crawling as of last week {4.3.13} No more scooting, real crawling on his knees.
 Teeth: 3 bottom teeth, and the 4th bottom one has just broken through. He also has 3 top teeth and the 4th one has also just broken through. He is a total Snaggle Tooth because his top fangs have come through first.
He is still the happiest baby ever. EVER.
He loves his food. I nurse him every 4 hours and he gets 3 baby food meals each day.
He starts squealing when he sees his baby food. He also loves his Puffs and Cheerios and is doing a good job of feeding himself those.
He is on the go now and loves exploring and crawling after things. Life as we know it is changing with a mobile baby!
The girls are still OBSESSED with him. I mean, obsessed. The "newness" of having a new baby has not worn off.  
They just want to hold him and play with him.
I am always saying to them, "Give his face some space" and "Stop trying to pick Luke up, just let him be". This photo perfectly describes what Luke goes through each day:
"Help me!" - Luke

I had a mini 5 minute photo shoot with him on Easter. He looks so grown up in his little plaid shirt.
Love our smiley, happy boy! He brings so much joy to our family.
Like always, comparison pics!
I still think he is a combo of both girls.
Happy 8 months, Luke!


  1. 8 Months! Crazy! Dying at the picture of Claire holding him.

  2. He is SO cute Mel! With my third the first year just flew by...enjoy!

  3. I love the sister squeezey picture. He is SO adorable and his tie onesie is amazing!

  4. I laughed out loud when I saw the "help!" picture. This is what happens to Blaise by his big brothers - well, usually just his next oldest brother. (The middle child...) Blaise is about a month behind Luke so it's fun to see/remember what the next phase will hold for him by reading your posts. :) I would give my right arm (I'm a leftie) for Blaise to sleep 10-12 hours a night. Maybe it's just right around the corner for me...

  5. He's got such a happy smile! And the sister love photos are fabulous!

  6. OMG that picture of Claire "torturing/loving" Luke is too cute!!

  7. I seriously cannot handle that he is 8 months. HOW did that happen??? And oh my gosh the picture of him in Claire's grip is too funny. :)

  8. Oh my goodness, that picture of Claire holding him is the cutest thing ever.

  9. Ahhhh he is so cute. I think Luke is starting to look more like Kate. We made your creamy cajun chicken tonight, it was soooo good. My husby loved it.

  10. LOVE the help me pic...I remember so well when the girls treated Aiden like their live doll. Claire's freckles are cute...I hadn't really noticed them before.

  11. So cute! CHandler has no teeth yet! I cracked up at the newness it hasn't worn off at our house either! If I say "give her some space" or "stop getting so close to her face" one time I say it a million! I love these happy third babies oh so much! So glad everyone is doing well!

  12. so adorable! and I love the scared cute!

  13. aw everyone looks so happy! Love the L pillow for monthly pictures!
