

Tie-Dyed Eggs {2013 Edition}

The past few years I have been dyeing Easter Eggs using men's ties that I buy at the Thrift Store.
I use the $2 Egg Kit to dye eggs with the girls, this is definitely more of a craft for me :)
Here are the silk ties BEFORE I cut them up to use them for the Eggs.
Remember, the uglier the tie, the better :)
These ties, dyed the Eggs like this:
The girls wanting to wear the ties:
The ties cut up & tied around the eggs:
 Wrapped up in cloth & ready to get boiled:
The final products!
Egg #1
 Egg #2: (Claire's favorite)
 Egg #3 (This one didn't turn out so well, really faded)
 Egg #4
 Egg #5
 Egg #6 (Kate's favorite)
Egg #7 (My Favorite!)
 All the Tie-Dyed Eggs together:
Which one is your favorite?
This a fun way & easy way to dye eggs!
It's always a mystery how they are going to turn out!

Past Years:


  1. wow, I've never seen this before! And they are SO cute in that picture!

  2. I've seen how to dye eggs with silk fabric but it never occurred to me to get thrift store neck ties to do this. Genius!

  3. Wouwww....these eggs are so pretty and did not know the pattern came from a neck tie...Great job. Love those eggs.

  4. I think they're all great! Who knew you could do that...I didn't! Neat eggs. I would love to have you share it at the Rock ‘N Share! Blessings, D

  5. This is awesome! Headed to the thrift shop after work today and doing this with my boys this weekend. Love the idea! Thanks for sharing.

  6. yes! please share how you do these eggs!!

  7. So neat! I think I'm with Kate - egg #6. :)

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