

Easter: It's not about the Bunny.

Easter isn't about the Egg Hunts, Dyeing Eggs, the Candy or the Chocolate.
 It's definitley not about the Easter Bunny, even though I take my kids to see him each year & you know I love me a good crying kid with the Easter Bunny picture.
(Luke is not too sure.....anyone want to make a wager that he cries next year?)

Even though we have fun doing these little things during Easter, the real reason we celebrate Easter is because of Jesus.
Jesus, who died on the cross to forgive me and you from our sins. 
All of our sins. Past, present and future.
Why? Because he love us. No matter what. 
He came to save us from ourselves & paid the ultimate sacrifice for us.
Dying on the cross & rising again 3 days later. 
Giving HIS life so we can have life in him.
And we celebrate today because the tomb was empty, HE is Risen! 

"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said."
Matthew 28:6

Today, I am thankful for the cross, thankful the tomb was empty and thankful for all HE has done for us.
Jesus loves YOU. Yes, YOU.
Happy Easter!