

Scenes from Valentine's Day

We had a nice little Valentine's Day yesterday.
Kevin bought some roses for me & the girls.

Valentine's Bags the girls made at school:

Conversation Hearts. Call Me...Maybe.
 Treats from my mother in law:
 Making Ritzie's for our Neighbors. We make them every Valentine's Day. 
It's not Valentine's Day without Ritzies!
These have been one of my go-to treats for Valentine's Day & Christmas.
Here is what you need:
Ritz crackers, peanut butter, candy melts (or chocolate chips) & sprinkles

Put a glob of peanut butter in between 2 ritz crackers.
Then, dip them in your melted candy melts or melted chocolate chips.
Then, add some sprinkles to make them festive!

Heart tights are awesome.

Charlie Brown. Gotta love it.
 As for Kevin & I....we don't celebrate Valentine's Day until today, February 15th.
Valentine's Day is about celebrating with our kids, but the 15th is our day.
We got engaged on February 15th (read about it here), so instead of going out on Valentine's Day, we celebrate on February 15th & go out to dinner then because this day has more meaning to us!
And, you NEVER have to make a reservation for dinner on February 15th, restaurants are always pretty empty the day after Valentine's Day.
No pre-fix menu, no increased dinner prices, no crowds.
I think Kevin is a GENIUS for proposing on February 15th. 
 Instead of going out tonight on the 15th like we normally do, we have something extra fun planned that we are doing tomorrow night!
I can't believe it has been 11 YEARS since he proposed!
And, don't forget.....This Wednesday, February 20th is the 2nd Annual Soups On! Recipe Link Up!

Can't wait for you to link up your favorite soup recipes!


  1. hope you have a fabulous evening tonight! those Ritzies look absolutely delicious!

  2. Looks like a wonderful day! We are moving soon and I am praying our new street is fun like your street. What a great gift to pass out to your neighbors.

  3. So precious! I need to make those treats, they look delicious!

  4. That is fun that your guys celebrate v day on the 15th. I'm not a huge fan of v day so this would make it more special!!! Enjoy your fun date tonight!!

  5. Hi Mel, I love this post! Your Valentine's Day traditions are adorable. Here in Australia, Valentine's Day isn't quite as big a deal but there is the ubiquitous over-priced set menu thing going on. We do a similar thing to you- my husband chose February 13th to propose (because he knew I would think the 14th was too much of a cliche- how right he was!) so nine years on we celebrate on the 13th. Zero stress, reasonable prices, and quiet restaurants! Perfection!! Love the blog. xxx

  6. I cannot handle the cuteness in this post. The girls' outfits, Luke, the hearts, Luke. :)

  7. Hi there, Im your new follower from the blog hop!

  8. Cute, cute cute! Love the girls' outfits. Especially love the large mason jar you used as a vase! Wish I was your neighbor! Yummy treats. :) You are inspiring to be more creative and thoughtful. love your blog!

  9. What a fun Valentine's day celebration! Those roses are just beautiful.
