

200 Days of Luke

Today Luke is 200 days old! How do I know this?
Well, when he was born, I made a goal to take a photo of him everyday during his first year of life and I am calling it, The Daily Luke. #thedailyluke

I posted his first 100 Days on THIS post.
(Oh, he was so little!!! Makes me sad! Tears!)

Here are the next 100 photos of Luke!
 And, Day 200:
Can't believe I am over halfway through documenting his first year. 
As you look through these, you will notice I wasn't lying when I told you he wears pajamas most of the time. Poor 3rd kid. Ha!
I haven't missed a day taking his picture....yet! 
Thankful for the convenience of iPhones & not having lug out my big camera all the time.
200 down, 165 to go!


  1. Love the daily Luke and love picture 200, so adorable! I don't have every day of Liam, but he sure has a lot that I plan to print! :)

  2. I started this same thing at the 1sy of the year to take a photo a day of my 3rd baby. It's so fun to look back and see how much they've grown

  3. Awe!!! He's so adorable!!!

    Your newest local follower. ;)

    just love // kelly

  4. What a precious little thing! I just love his little cheeks! Sweetness!

  5. That was my exact thought as I was scrolling through, that you were not lying about the pjs. He is still precious no matter what he is wearing!

  6. Seriously, how is he that adorable! He is so precious Mel :)

  7. So cute! And aren't iphones the best for quick photo sessions? I never have time to get my DSLR when a cute photo-op arises.

  8. What a cute idea!! I love love love it! What a wonderful scrapbook this will make one day.

  9. Such a pretty baby! I love seeing the daily luke on instagrammers ;)

  10. So cute! My little guy is 4 months and the third child too so I'm sitting here laughing at all the same pjs we have! Where did you get the "L" pillow?

  11. Happy 200 days baby Luke! Found your blog through the GFC blog hop-so glad I did!
    -Sara @ The Hinton Hook-Up

  12. He is beautiful!

    So true about dressing the 3rd. Zoe is all decked out in purple footies as I type.

  13. Hello! Such a cute blog. Now following via GFC from the GFC Blog Hop.

    Visit my blog on Thursday's if you'd like to join our Bloglovin' blog hop.

    Take care,

  14. He's gorgeous Mel! I can'e believe how big he's got!!!

  15. He's gorgeous Mel! I can'e believe how big he's got!!!

  16. such a sweetie!!! it is sooo crazy how fast they grow and change and this is such a neat way to document it! love that you've captured so many different expressions! =)

  17. Couldn't be cuter! Go YOU for doing it everyday!! Priceless!

  18. He's adorable. They change so fast! Fun idea.

  19. Love seeing him change each day. You need to make shutterfly book with these pictures. What a treasure!!
