

Printable Everything Kit {A Giveaway!}

Happy Monday!
 I have something fun to giveaway today!
A few weeks ago, one of my blog readers, Jenny, emailed me about her Homekeeping Binder Printable Kit that she created.
She wanted to give me one and give one away to one of YOU!
Seriously, do I have the best readers or what?!?

Well, let me just tell you, that if you are looking to get organized this year, this giveaway is for you!
The Everything kit featuring 26 printable planner pages:

- customizable binder cover sheet
- monthly calendar (blank)
- daily docket
- week at a glance calendar
- monthly to do list
- future projects list
- someday to do list
- family fun list
- daily & weekly cleaning checklist
- meal planning calendar
- weekly meal plan & grocery list
- multi-store shopping list
- blog post calendar
- blog to do list
- password log
- photography/creative business workflow chart
- important dates
- gift giving budget tracker
- travel pack list
- travel clothing planner
- outfit planner
- important contacts
- important information
- monthly budget
- bill tracker
- lined note pages

 {You can read more about them  HERE on her blog}

My word of the year is Simplify, and let me tell you....this planner is helping me simplify!
Some of my favorite pages are the monthly meal plan:
Love this cleaning list to help simplify your cleaning schedule:
This shopping list for multiple stores is GENIUS!
How great is this page to help you organize things you want to make!

There is also a calendar page where you can print out blank pages & fill it out each month. I know most people love using their phones for their calendar, but I am one of those people who needs to write it down & see it all laid out.
This page is also cool,  it is a daily page and you can enter things on the computer & just print it out! Love!

And, how cute is the design? Love the chevron! And, Jenny can personalize your cover. 
Here is mine:
 I bought a 1 inch white binder & some dividers to put all my print outs in. This is totally organizing my life & simplifying it!
 On Sundays, I fill out my weekly meal plan list & shopping list.
The monthly budget sheet. One of my resolutions is to also see where I am spending money. This is helping. *gulp*
The weekly outfit organizer? So fun! This will help me with the Pin-Spired link up...I'm doing 1 Pin-spired outfit a week!

And, there is even a blog post calendar, to jot down ideas/things you want to blog! The first 2 I wrote down were Pin-Spired (THIS FRIDAY!) and 10 on 10, which I do every month!

There are 26 pages included in the Everything Kit and you just print out what you need and however many copies you need/want. 
{The kit is available in her Etsy shop HERE}

I love it and I know you will also!
It is great having it stored in a binder in our office. Ahhhh....organization! Baby steps!
I love that there are so many places to write down lists.
There is just something so satisfying about crossing things off a list.

All you have to do is leave a comment answering this question:

Out of the 26 printable pages in the kit (listed above), which page(s) would you use the most or which page(s) will be most helpful to keep you organized?

For me, it is a tie between the budget page & the weekly meal planning page.
Those are going to get a lot of use and keep me organized with our budget & meal planning!

***Giveaway Ends next Monday February 4th! Winner will be chosen via *** 

 ***GIVEAWAY is now CLOSED***
Congrats, Shelly!!!!


  1. Meal planning, for sure!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

  2. That looks awesome. I could use the cleaning checklist, outfit planner, and bill tracker.

  3. Wow! I could soo use this! Menu and bill tracker would be very helpful to me!

  4. So many to choose from!! I think I will def. use the daily docket. & daily & weekly cleaning checklist.& with summer almost here- the family fun list will be very useful!

  5. The meal planner. That will help with grocery shopping.

  6. I really like the daily page. One of the things that I'm starting to do is to plan my day early in the morning or at night..that would be a great place to write down my daily goals, to dos, etc.

    Margaret @ Live Like No One Else

  7. I NEED THIS! I would definitely use the heck out of the daily schedule and the cleaning list. And the kids would love the family fun page!

  8. The budget one! I'm always grabbing the back of an envelope to budget for the month :)

  9. I definitely need the meal planner and cleaning schedule. I need lots of help in these areas! :)

  10. Meal planning and/or cleaning list!! This kit is fabulous!!

  11. I do love a calendar! But a meal planning printable is what I NEED!

  12. Daily and cleaning...NEED this, LOVE this, HOPE to win this! :)

  13. Hands down, the menu planner. I hate to go out to eat but work full time so I have to plan in advance to feed our family a healthy meal.

  14. The cleaning checklist and budget for sure!

  15. Definitely the outfit planner. My little Lucy is the same age as Luke & since I'm usually covered in spit-up I haven't put much effort into my wardrobe choices. YIKES!

  16. I would use the weekly meal plan the most. I am trying to get my family to eat healthier and need this to plan our meals and grocery shop wisely. I think I would love all of these pages, but the meal planner the most!

  17. Meal planning for sure!
    Heather Elder

  18. Omg I need this in my life pronto! I'd use the outfit page cause just like you in an outfit pinner :) & the meal plan organizer I sometimes for get to take the dinner out & I think this would help ever since having the little one I got mommy brain! This is an awesome giveaway!

  19. I need to get better at meal planning, so I think that area would help me most!

  20. I would love the meal planner and the and outfit planner! I never even thought about an outfit planner! What an adorable idea!

  21. That monthly meal plan doc would be great for us - we make a monthly meal plan and currently it's on a piece of lined paper - boring! =) Have a great week!


  22. The meal planning and the cleaning schedule/list page look awesome!

  23. The budget planning. I just use a notebook right now. The monthly and daily calendar would also be helpful. I want to print out all of these pages to help myself get more organized. I think my daughter (8) would love the outfit calendar. She plans out her outfits for the week and lets me know so I can make sure everything she wants to wear is clean :)

  24. I would LOVE to start using a budget tracker and then once we get more money for consistant groceries (it's just two of us now and most times I usually make a large meal and we eat the leftovers for a few days..) I'd love to be able to have a meal planning schedule! I love to cook and love to be organized, these tools would be awesome!! So cute too! :)

  25. I know I could use the multi-store list! How sweet of Jenny to be so generous!

  26. The calendar as I am working on planning meals one month at a time!

  27. So cool!!! Definitely the weekly meal planner!

  28. The budget page would definitely be great for me because I haven't been working very long and its still hard for me to budget out things for a month at a time! I would love all the pages though because I am working to be more organized in 2013 :)

  29. It's tough to pick!

    With our first baby on the way, I see the meal planning and blog update calendar being the most helpful!


  30. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    I am going to check out your Etsy site! I LOVE cards & things like that!!
    Have a great evening!

  31. That's great! I think I would use all of them..but I would really like the dinners for the week and shopping list page! Cute!

  32. Whoa, You've got the whole kit & kaboodle! So well done. I could definitely use that budget sheet and meal planning sheet.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, I'm now following you back :)

  33. How great is that?! I love the weekly meal plan and grocery list as well as the daily/weekly cleaning log! Im trying to come up with something to help keep the house in order. A little cleaning every day goes a long way to keep things under control! :)
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  34. Menu & shopping list...maybe even the gift budget I do like to give! Yay pick me!

  35. I agree with you - the budget and meal planning pages. And - if I was better at planning my meals I am sure it would help my budget because I would not resort to ordering in so often.

  36. Mine would be meal planning! I am getting more motivated to try new things and to perfect old ones, but I need to plan ahead to feel like I can accomplish that!


  37. I so need this... in a painfully embarrassing way...

    for me, the cleaning checklist and probably the meal planner... we actually don't do meal planning and we really should.

  38. Future projects list, budget, and cleaning. Lists help me be motivated and these look great!

  39. Love this! I could really use the cleaning checklist and the meal planner.

  40. The meal planning page would be a huge blessing for me. I struggle each week trying to plan ahead and prepare healthy meals for my family. I would love this tool to help with planning our meals.

  41. Ohhhh I need this!!! The budget is something we are working on too and I have been trying so hard to make a spreadsheet but I am awful.

  42. Hooboy...this is great! I would definitely benefit from the to-do page! I have to write things down or I forget again and again. Love how I can keep such a variety of list in one place.

  43. This is AWESOME! Definitely the meal planner!

  44. New Follower! I found you via the GFC hop!! Love your blog.. when you have time stop over at and if you like what you see, follow back! Have a great week! K Jaggers

  45. I love all things organized! Looks like a neat packet! i think I would get a lot of use out of most of the pages- but definitely the budget and cleaning ones! :)

  46. I love being organized but I've never thought of using an outfit planner!!! It would help immensely in the mornings when getting ready..... I spend a lot of time just standing in my closet looking around lol

  47. The meal planning sheet would be most helpful to me. We never know what were making until that night. I would love to be more organized with our meals.

  48. Just like asking Jesus for forgiveness everyday for my sins....I also ask Him for help in making me an organized momma! These could help me tremendously!!

  49. Right now, I could use the menu planner, because I do a bad job at planning ahead what we are going to eat for dinner. I also like the blog calendar--need to start planning ahead for that as well! I love your personalized cover!

  50. The meal planner. I am so unorganized in that area!

  51. i love this! i would def need the meal plan and shopping list pages

  52. Meal planning/Shopping list - what a neat giveaway!

  53. The weekly meal planner would be awesome!

  54. Wow!!! As a fan of 6 the meal planner and cleaning schedule would be awesome!!!!

  55. Um, NEED. All of it. Every page. Is that cheating? (If I HAD to pick one, I'd go with meal planning...but really, all of them.)

  56. I think gift giving becaus sometimes I actually come up with a great idea for a hard to buy someone and never write it down. :( and when Christmas comes around I've forgotten! Meal planning would be helpful too!

  57. What an awesome giveaway!!!
    Coul totally use the daily and meal planner.... Oh that would be life changing!!!

  58. ALL of the pages look amazing helpful for me, but I think I might like the meal planning page the best! The daily cleaning/to do page is a close second. Fun giveaway!!

  59. The meal planner is awesome as is the daily docket!

  60. I love the multiple stores shopping list - that is genious!
