

Get Your Pretty On!

Happy Tuesday! 
Today, I am guest posting at Get Your Pretty On!
Ali's blog is full of practical fashion ideas.
She started her blog as journey out of her yoga pants addicion.
(Can I get an Amen?)
She vowed to rebuild her wardrobe, fix up and look put together on a daily basis, even if she never left the house.  Ali says that feeling good isn’t shallow and being a mom shouldn’t mean losing yourself. Ali is married & a mom to 3 kids ages 16, 13 & 8.
I can TOTALLY relate to her blog since I am in the thick of having a newborn & being a mom of 3 kids. I was a total FRUMP a LUMP when I was on maternity leave.  I mean, yikes. It was scary.
I was slightly happy about going back to work when my maternity leave was over because it forced me to get ready each day & not be a lazy bum. Who's with me!?!?

Ali asked me to share How I Get My Pretty On.
As a working Mom of 3 kids, I have had to streamline this process.
Click HERE to read my post on Ali's blog that includes 5 of my tips for staying out of Frumpville!  


  1. Found your blog over at Get Your Pretty On this morning. You have some fantastic tips for staying organized and being a mom. I can totally relate with two girls, a full time job, a family business, and a blog. Great guest post and love your blog! Heather

  2. I LOVED your post, but I'll have to admit: I'm having a hard time getting on board with the brown boots/black legging/pants idea. I see so many people doing it and it looks great; however, my OCD does not see me the same way. ;) Maybe one day.

    Thank for the inspiration!

  3. great post! I love that you can shop from your closet and have a good wardrobe built up of basics. I'm still working on that!

  4. As a mom and totally a huge frump these days, I can't wait to go read your post!

  5. Great tips! So fun to see some of my blog friends teaming up!!!

  6. I just LOVED this post. I don't know what happened to me after baby number one, but I seriously lost some of my "Sass" and I had to get it back! Thankfully, during my pregnancy with Baby #2, I put forth a lot of effort into being "cute" so it was a natural progression after she was born. I always LOVE reading your posts!
