

100 Days of Luke

When Luke was born, I decided that I would take a photo of him everyday for the first year of his life.
I have called it, "The Daily Luke"
As of last week, Luke is 100 days old & I haven't missed a day (yet!)
I made a little collage of his first 100 days:
This has been such a fun project & has been so fun to see how Luke has grown & changed in such a short amount of time.
Whoever said the 3rd kid doesn't get their picture taken as much as the first born?
I am going to prove that wrong!
(I totally wish I would have done this with the girls. *sigh*. This will be Luke's special thing)

Happy 100 Days, Little Guy!


  1. Where did you make this collage?!?
    I am doing a photo a day thing as well for my best friends baby and cant find anywhere to make one this large :(

  2. Oh my goodness!!! What a sweet sweet boy. And cute to boot!

  3. So cute! He has the biggest eyes and cutest expressions.

  4. Absolutely precious! What a great idea! Your kids are adorable!

  5. I love this idea! How fun to see how he is growing

  6. Adorable! What beautiful photos! Found you through a GFC blog hop and excited to be a new follower! I hope you will stop by my site if you get a chance!


  7. Super cute pics!
    I did this with my first (and only) child and never again! It was too hard (and I took almost an entire year off work!) I got too many cute pictures and was totally overwhelmed. I can't imagine how you manage with 2 older kids & working full time.

  8. What a sweet and special idea! I love it! LOVE!!!

  9. This is such a neat thing that tells a lot of what's going on in your lives right now. I am so jealous because my baby is 8 years old now and I feel like I really don't remember when he was little like Luke is. I did take a lot of pictures, but I don't know about 1 every day for 100 days! Anyways, keep it up, you are such a neat person, mom, crafter, etc. and I really enjoy reading your blog!

  10. What a great idea! I am a new follower - found you from the blog hop. Looks like we may have some things in common. I have two girls, and my third is a boy. I just had him August 15th. :)

  11. That is so cool! I love, love, love it! How are you going to stop after he turns one? You have to keep going!

  12. oh my goodness. what an absolutely awesome and wonderful idea. these are too cute. thanks for stopping by from the mixer. following you back =)

  13. i LOVE this, we've been trying to do a picture a day for Elyse for her first year & I'd love to make such a neat collage...where did you make yours?

  14. oh this is just the sweetest. happy 100 days...

    Aloha Sweet Friend,
    We are gathering for An Aloha Affair, a sweet sort of mingling and sharing and growing together. I would so love it if you'd join us. You will always be welcome, anytime. Save ya a seat?...


  15. So precious! My third child probably has the most pics of her because that's when I got into photography. Unfortunately for AM, she has mostly pics from my phone...although I guess that's better than none at all:)! He is soooooo adorable!

  16. So cute! What a fun way to document his first year!

  17. I made the collage in photoshop, they are 9x9 collages, and I made 10 of them for all these photos! If you don't have photoshop, you could make them on the website PicMonkey.
