

Mother's Day Weekend

The best part of Mother's Day is that it is always on a Sunday, so you can celebrate Mother's Day all weekend long! This Mother's Day weekend started off with Kevin letting me sleep in until 9:30 on Saturday and having French Toast & coffee made when I got up. Score!
After breakfast we surprised Claire with a big girl bike that Kevin found on craigslist for $5. SCORE! It is a Disney princess bike, so Claire was ecstatic.
Kate on the other hand, had a total and complete meltdown because Claire got a bike and she didn't. I have never seen Kate have a meltdown like that before. I wish I took video of her or took pictures of her because it was ridiculous. We sent to her room & she stayed there for over 30 minutes crying that she wanted a new bike. She wheeled her current bike to the side yard & said she wanted to give it away and get a new bike like Claire....she doesn't realize that Claire's bike is a junker compared to hers.
Kevin's best friend Brian & 2 of his kids stopped by to play and have lunch and then after lunch Kevin ripped out the overhang in our backyard.
The wood on the overhang was rotting and in REALLY bad shape. It had tons of dry rot. It was time for it to come down! While Kevin ripped it down, the girls napped & I was able to run some errands. By myself! Heavenly!
When I got home, the overhang was gone. It opens up our backyard SO much.
Our plan was to rebuild a new overhang/pergola, but because it opens up the patio so much and gives the girls more room to ride bikes, etc...we might not put a new one up! But, we might need a overhang to give shelter from the afternoon sun, since it gets so hot back there. Decisions, decisions! Not sure what to do!
The girls doing a show for us before bedtime:
For dinner I made PW's Linguine with Clam Sauce...yum, yum, yum.
I made a yummy dinner because we were celebrating the year anniversary of moving into this house! Exactly 1 year ago yesterday, we closed escrow on our house. I am so thankful that God put us in this house, on this court. It has been an amazing year & so many memories have been made. When I think back to the journey & story about how we got this house, it honestly brings tears to my eyes. I am overwhelmed with God's plan and how He orchestrated the whole situation.
We took a picture in front of our house today because that is what we did last year on May 7th (the day we closed escrow & we got the keys to the house)
Last night Kevin and I looked back on pictures of the house when we first bought it and it has been so fun to see all the projects that we have done on the house in the past year.
We are Do it Yourself type people, so this house has definitely been a labor of love for us.
And, also a Money Pit, but we still love it!


This morning, I had another yummy breakfast waiting for me.
Kevin & Claire went and got doughnuts this morning:
And, Kevin got me these tulips. My Mother's Day present was my garden boxes that he built!
I helped in Kate's Sunday School class this morning and when we got home from church I told her & Claire that what I wanted for Mother's Day was for them to take some pictures with me.
I am always the one taking the pictures and I am rarely in them.
So, for Mother's Day, I wanted Kevin to take a few pictures of me & my girls!
This was the best we could get!
I gave up on getting some with both of them, so we went for getting individual ones with each of them! First up, me and Kate....the little girl who made me a Mother!
My first born....the sweetest little girl I know (excpet for when she doesn't get a craigslist bike, then watch out)
Love this one. Love it so much:
And then there's Claire....
My spirited full of life & spunk.
The one who has challenged me & stretched me the most in her 2.5 years of life. The one who brings so much energy, spunk & pizazz to our lives.
Thank you, Kevin for taking these pictures.
I know how much you "love" taking pictures.....


For dinner, we went to Chinese food with my sisters, parents & Kevin's parents.
My mom & my girls:
There are no words to describe how amazing my mom is. She is one of my heros, I look up to her in so many ways.
Here is the card I gave my mom, my friend Becky made the card.
Here is the necklace that Kate made me at preschool for Mother's Day:
Kate was so, so, so proud of this necklace. She asked me to wear it to school tomorrow so I can show all my students. You bet I am!
Now we are home....the girls are (finally) asleep and Kevin and I are going to have some chocolate chip cookie pie for dessert....
......and watch Little Fockers.
(Hello, is there anything better $1 movie rentals? Genius!!)
A great end to a great day.
It has been a simple, but lovely weekend.
Hope yours has been lovely as well!

P.S. Thank you to everyone who linked up recipes for my Cupcake Carnival last week. There are so many delicious recipes...check them out here!


  1. sleeping in and donuts?? You had me at hello....what a perfect weekend!

  2. i want your house, your backyard and your outfits. that's all.

  3. Looks like a perfect Mother's Day - glad you got a whole weekend and some pictures with the girls! I am envious of your breakfasts and that necklace - too cute!

  4. It sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! Your family is just beautiful!

  5. So much fun!! The pictures with your girls are just gorgeous!! Oh, and I love your dress, too! :)

  6. LOVE all your pics. You have such a beautiful family! And it looks like they treated you well.
    BTW, your the descriptions of your girls match mine to a T. Really!
    Have a wonderful Monday.

  7. i love every single thing ab this post!!!! the pics, the food, the sweetness!!! xoxoxox

  8. awww...such a perfect day. i love all the pictures. happy mother's day (yesterday)

  9. Great post!! GREAT pictures.
    Happy Mother's Day!!

  10. such a pretty day and a pretty family!!!

  11. your backyard looks twice the size without the overhang. Happy Mother's day. Love the pictures of you and your girls.

  12. the pics of you and the girls are PRECIOUS! and chocolate chip cookie pie!!?? Yes please ;)

  13. You guys are such busy bees on the weekends! Um, and your Mother's Day outfit? Adorable! Beautiful pictures of you and the girls, nice job Kevin. :)

  14. uh...what is this c.c. cookie pie? do you just bake cookie dough in a pi shell? me luv cookies... ~d. xo

  15. The pictures of you and the girls are ADORABLE! So glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.

  16. Happy Mother's Day Melons! I am glad it was a good one. I cannot believe you've been in your new place a year already.

    I totally giggled at your expense with Claire and her $5 junker and Kate wanting it... we see a lot of that here now that Colin is getting older.

    We removed the overhang at our first house and it was the best decision we ever made.

  17. what a wonderful day
    and WOW
    you and your family are gorgeous!

  18. I love your outfit in your pics with your girls! So cute!
    The pics turned out good too. I didn't think to do individual ones with my girls. Good idea.
    Did you like Little Fockers? I was dissapointed in that one.

  19. what a delightful post! choc chip cookie pie! oh mee oh my.
    you look gorgeous in these pics.

  20. I love the photos of you and your girls. You look so pretty! Great outfit for Mother's Day :) I see the pros and cons of the pergola. I'd probably want the space at this point with two little ones so they could play and ride bikes. The bike story is too funny. I can just imagine it!

  21. Yum french toast and donuts! :) The pictures of you & the girls turned out so cute! And I love your outfit.
    The fit that Kate threw totally sounds like something that one of mine would've done. My youngest (4yo) decided to throw a fit as we're leaving church because I didn't fill his cup w/ as much lemonade as his 9yo brother! REALLY?!

  22. chocolate chip cookie pie sounds yummy! Is it just chocolate chips cookie dough in a pie crust?
    Cute pictures of you and the girls!

  23. Good times for you. Don't you love wearing the child-created-line of jewelry? The look on their face when you have it on, is priceless. Chocolate chip cookie pie??? Are you serious? I need that. now. :)

  24. how perfect! happy mother's day!
    loved reading your house story-love your home!

  25. I love the picture with you and the girls!

  26. i can't believe it's already been a year since you guys moved in. man, time is flying by! the photos kevin captured of you and your girls are so sweet. happy mother's day, mel!
