

Boo-yah! We have some Winners!

Did you know that Claire's new favorite expression is "Boo-yah!"
Her timing for this expression is hysterical.
After she goes poop in the potty, she will run out of the bathroom and say,
"Boo-yah! I just went poopy in the potty!"
Or, if we tell her that friends are coming over she will say,
"Boo-yah! We have a playdate!"
If we let them watch a show as a treat before bedtime, she says,
"We get to watch Mickey Mouse? Boo-yah!"

Claire just cracks me up. Her little (big) personality is so funny!
She just marches to the beat of her own drum (as evidenced by her outfit)

A big "Boo-yah!" goes out to all of you who entered my Pioneer Woman Cookbook & Book giveaway!
I was shocked at how many people guys sure love free stuff, especially when it has to do with the Pioneer Woman! :)
Thanks for all your comments & I loved hearing what everyone's favorite PW recipes are!
I added most of those to my "must make" list!

Without further are the winners!

The winner of the signed Pioneer Woman Cookbook is:
Comment #25 - Michele


The winner of Black Heels to Tractor Wheels is:
Comment #188 - MJ

Congrats to the winners!
Email me your address: melissa_larson17 {at}


  1. Too funny! Love the boo-yah. That girl knows how to use it for sure!

  2. I just bought the PW Cookbook and last night I made the potato leek pizza. OMG. It was sooooooooo yummy. It was a little bit of work but oh so worth it. I've got to buy the other book because I know I'd love it!

  3. Too funny! I think that it must be a second child thing to beat to your own drum...little Mara even though she is a twin...1 minute younger beats to her own drum too and I love it!

  4. I'm so excited!!!! I can't believe I won the signed PW cookbook :) I'll email you my address right now. Thanks so much!

  5. boo-yah! next you are going to need to introduce her to HOLLA!

  6. @Becca- Claire doesn't say Holla! yet, but Kate does :)

  7. OMGosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How adorable and hilarious are your girls?!?!?! Boo-yah! She's awesome!
