

Potty Training Update

Here we are.
Day 3 of the dreaded "3 day Potty Training Method"
Here is a little recap of our weekend of Potty Training.

Day 1: Saturday.
I had high hopes for Day 1.
Let's just say they didn't pan out.
Claire was 0 for 8 on Saturday.
Meaning she went potty ZERO times in the potty and 8 times in her underwear.
Day 2 : Sunday
It started off pretty good. Claire woke up in a decent mood & she went pee in the potty shortly after waking up. But, things went down hill quickly & she was 2 for 9 on the day.
She peed on the floor, on the couch & in her crib.
Pooped her pants. Twice.
I did A LOT of laundry on Sunday.
We were pretty frustrated at this point & I was totally second guessing myself at attempting potty training her.
Day 3: Monday (today)
It started to click today....finally!
Kevin was home in the morning, but then headed to work for part of the day.
My BFF & her family were in town from Colorado & her boys are the same ages as my girls, so they came over for a play date in the morning.
And, she brought me a Vanilla Latte :)
I made Monkey Bread, of course.
Claire had an awesome morning & had NO accidents!
I think she liked showing the boys that she was a Big Girl & could go in the potty.
She was accident free until she dropped a deuce in her pull up during nap time.

Claire managed to stay dry & go on the potty the rest of the afternoon and evening.
And, my friend Wendy potty trained her daughter also. They live around the corner & Wendy called to see if her daughter could use our bathroom so that the girls could have an impromptu "potty party". Go Jordis!
It was a good day.
We turned a big corner today.
No accidents at all (except for the naptime poop)
Claire went potty 7 times in the toilet.
I didn't have to clean up any pee or wash any underwear!

I *think* she is finally starting to get it.
She still needs a lot of reminders & prompting.
We are still bribing her big time with m&m's (sometimes even giving her one if she sits on the toliet).
Tomorrow will be a good indicator of how she is really doing.
We haven't left the house in 3 days, but tomorrow the normal routine starts back up.
I will be at work & they will be with my Mom (Sorry, Mom! I packed extra clothes for Claire!)
I don't feel 100% confident that she is potty trained, but we have made good strides the past 3 days.
Keep your fingers crossed for the rest of the week.
There is no turning back now!


  1. fingers crossed!!! i'm so glad Day 3 was a success!! p.s. "dropped a deuce in her pull up" - totally laughed out loud! ha ha

  2. yay mom! Keep it up.
    Here is hoping for 3 more good days!

  3. way to go claire!!!!! addi is starting to show interest and has done GREAT at school in the past 2 weeks! at home she's not as interested and i think it's because her friends aren't around. we'll get there eventually...i may have to bite the bullet and go for the 3 day method. i REALLY want her trained by the time little sister arrives in june/july!

  4. Way to go Claire! I hate potty training. I despise it. I dread it. I am waiting until my Claire practicaly tells me she wants to. Good job for sticking with it!

  5. I set the kitchen oven timer for every 25 to 30 min. and when it goes off she has to try and go pee. This has helped to remind me as well as her.
    I feel that they get busy and don't want to stop playing. I too bribe with a toy for pooping in the potty. I feel that when they do it once it finally clicks. Good Luck!
    I feel they do better when not at home
    Amy Mumaw

  6. I have to say that potty training is the hardest thing about parenting for me. I can do the middle of the night feedings, but I put off potty training as long as I could with EmmyKate and I am dreading it with Easton.

  7. Yay!!! That's fantastic! Sounds like she's well on her way!

    One thing that worked for me {and saved me a little laundry} was using those old fashioned plastic covers that go on top of the underwear. That way they can still feel that they're wearing underwear but if they do have an accident it doesn't leak out of the plastic pant. Target sells them. I also used those super absorbent training undies from Target. They aren't cute, but they stop a little of the mess if an accident happens.
    And I kept a second potty in the back of the suburban...just in case. :)

    I know you don't need my unsolicited advice, so feel free to ignore me - lol!


  8. I am trying the 3 day method also with my daughter. We used big girl panties all weekend and ughh it's been awful.. She seems unfased by going in her panties.. I know we need to keeping trying but oh my goodness..
    Good luck to Claire.

  9. i've heard a lot about the 3 day method but I didn't know anyone who had personally tried it. I'm glad to hear it is working for you!

  10. If Wendy is your neighbor then I'm sort of your neighbor, too! We live in San Ramon...and attend church with Wendy. Do you attend Cornerstone, too?

    And potty training...oh, potty training! It's been my biggest parenting hurdle, the thorn in my flesh...just UGH! My oldest is almost 4.5 and we're just now seeing major prgress. It's been two years.

    So I really want to meet you! Email if you're interested!

  11. Good Job, I think I would have given up! The girls always pooped in their took a good 2-3 months to figure that part of potty training out.

    Keep my fingers crossed for you!

  12. Good job Claire!! Those first few days are always rough. I have been putting off doing this with Abigail. I can't decide if I want to do PT or transition her to the big girl bed first.

  13. Sounds like she's getting it. Awesome!

  14. 3 days to pick up on it is great! Good job Claire! Keep up the wonderful and dry work!!

  15. fingers crossed...

    hang in there mama!
