

Friday Night = Pizza Night

When Kate was a few months old and I was still teaching full time, I started a new tradition for our family.
I declared that Friday Night was Pizza Night.
It was one of the best decisions ever. EVER.
I don't know about you, but by the time Friday evening rolls around, I am D-O-N-E.
I am so tired & I don't even want to think about making dinner.
That is the beauty of Friday Night Pizza Night.
I cook every other night of the week, so it is a great way to kick off my weekend.....No cooking!
It makes meal planning so easy because I know that every Friday night we will have pizza.
Usually we get a Digornio Pizza because we can get them on sale for $5.
Tonight's Pizza was a Digornio.
Both girls are pizza snobs & only like pineapple on their pizza, so for $3 I can buy a mini Digornio & add some pineapple to it. Easy!
1-2 times a month we will "splurge" and order pizza.

Of course, Friday Night Pizza Night isn't complete without some beverages.
Wine for me, Beer for Kevin.
It is almost pathetic how much I look forward to Friday Nights.
Since having kids we almost NEVER make plans for Friday nights.
I cherish our Friday Nights.
Friday Night Pizza Night isn't complete without some sort of dessert.
Tonight I made Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie. YUM.
I am off to go catch up on our DVR'd shows from the week.
That's how we roll on Friday nights!
Do you do Friday Night Pizza Night?


  1. I don't cook on Friday nights either...just throw something together. And it's also DVR catch up for us as well!!! We watched 4 hours of American Idol last night:).

  2. I don't cook either! I teach yoga on Fri. nights, so for several years now, we do "Fly and Buy". Last night was Zaxbys.

    I have been meaning to comment about Claire's potty training. We are having the same poop and pullups issue. But Alexa never has accidents out, she always just waits to poop in her pullup during naptime and bedtime, so you pick your battles, I guess. ;)

  3. I agree! My son is now 13 years old (sigh) and when I went back to work after having him Friday night became pizza night at our house as well - and I too prefer wine as my beverage of choice! Last night I enjoyed my pizza while watching Michael Jackson's "This Is It" - great night!

  4. Mmmmm. I have been making homemade pizzas lately, and one time forgot the pineapple. I'm with your girls, pizza must have pineapple. (And olives). Yum. :)

  5. Um, heck yes we do! Pizza and beer Fridays are the BEST. :) We make our own though, with TJ's pizza dough:

  6. Oh yes, I don't make dinner on Friday nights. It is either pizza...frozen or we order one in or we go out to eat. It is the treat for the week...I totally enjoy it!

  7. My mom is a teacher and we ALWAYS had pizza on Friday nights. As you know, we're in Oregon with my parents right now and we had pizza just last night! Good to know some traditions never change.

    At home we love to do "pizza and a movie" where we all watch a movie during dinner. Fun for everyone!

  8. Sounds like heaven! Friday nights are take-away nights for us too. We generally get a bottle of wine and curl up after dinner (with kids in bed!) with a glass of wine and watch american idol *happy sigh*

  9. We always do pizza on Friday nights and a movie for the kids. We flip from homemade, to take out, to the take n bake. Cheers!

  10. Have you tried Digornio Garlic Bread pizza? So Yummy! Girls don't like it. They are pizza snobs, too.

  11. Hehehe... Almost every Friday is pizza night for us too. I cook every night except for the weekends. And, my weekend starts on Friday's night! Lately, Pizzahut had a sale... $10 for any large. Yummm.

  12. Normally, Friday nights are a "grab your own food" kind of night around here. Mostly because we dont have time to do one of our sit-down meals. We're youth group leaders so our Friday nights are consumed with a houseful of teens. We do love pizza though and its a great go-to meal any night when theres alot going on:)

  13. Oh! And since we've always been pizza eaters, there was a time when we were ordering it-way.too.much. But we discovered that Sams Club sells a case of dough balls for really cheap. So we bought a case and started making our own pizzas...which saves a ton of money and allows us to customize them to our tastes. And a case lasts a really long time. We've considered sharing it(the case) with another family too.

  14. We usually have Pizza night on Fridays as well, it's a good way to start off the weekend!
