

Tangled or Bust.

And, a bust it was.....
Here's the story:
Because it's Kate's birthday week & I didn't have to go to work today for MLK, Jr Holiday, I thought I would use some of the movie tickets I got for Christmas and take Kate to her very first movie at the movie theater. All of my friends said Tangled is a cute movie & Kate would love it.
And, I heard it is the last Disney Princess movie, so I figured this would be a great one for us to go to.
So, this morning, Kate and I headed out to our date at the movie theater.

She was excited to pose in front of the theater:
Align CenterHere is the two of us before we got our tickets:
I let her wait in line & order some popcorn:
Here is Kate giving them her ticket:
Here she is in front of the sign, still excited:
Here is Kate in her seat with her snacks during the previews....not as excited anymore. I can tell she is getting nervous.
We made it through a little more than half the movie and then Kate said loudly, "Mommy, let's go. I want to go home!"
I whispered to her that the movie wasn't over yet.
She replied, " I don't like this movie! I want to go home & play with my sister"
I tried to stall a few more minutes & had her sit on my lap.
It didn't work & again, she loudly exclaimed, " I want to go home!"
So we left the theater.
I would like to apologize to the audience in the 11:20 showing of Tangled for the scene that my almost 4 year old caused.
And, I would like to know what happens in was so cute, I wanted to see the whole thing, not just 30 minutes of it.

Once we got outside, Kate was a VERY happy girl & was running around.
'She told me she doesn't want to back to the movies for a "long, long, very long time"
For the record, Kevin was right.
He told me I shouldn't take Kate to the movies because she probably wouldn't like it.
I thought she would like the movie & it would be a fun memory.
I remember my first movie in the theater. I was also 4 years old.
We saw Snow White & I remember wanting to touch the screen during the movie so I could say Hi to Snow White.
Yeah, Kate didn't want to say hi to Rapunzel, that's for sure.
She wanted to get the heck out of there.
Guess we won't be going back to the movies anytime soon....


  1. Oh no!! Scott and I were both off today too and we took Addi to see Tangled. She loved it. She did get restless the last 10 or 15 minutes, but she lasted until the end. She's a movie junkie and a popcorn junkie so I figured it would please her. Maybe you could try again...Cars 2 is coming out this spring!

  2. Darn! Sorry it was a bust! I bet she'll love it when it comes out on DVD-maybe it's a "dark" thing since she's afraid of the dark! Better luck next time :)

  3. Aww, that's too bad. My girls actually did really well in the theater. Claire was done before it was over but luckily my husband walked around with her so I got to see the end! It was cute. She ends up with that handsome Flynn Rider after all. Oh and becomes the princess again. :)

  4. Lacey hasn't been to a movie yet either. I think she is the only almost 4 year old left who hasn't been to one! I really don't think she will like it either. She can't sit still for a dvd so I don't think she'll be able to hang in there the whole time. Also I am worried it will be too loud & scare her! Just knowing her personality I'm thinking we better wait...I'm so tempted though!! At least you got cute pics!

  5. Oh no. That is making me laugh. We are going to take the girls one of these days to that movie, so I can fill you in.

  6. awww that's no fun. Sorry she didn't like it. :( maybe next year??

  7. Aw, I'm sorry! You're such a fun mommy, though, for trying to make her first theater visit special!

  8. Alex is SUPER DUPER scared by animated movies. We haven't found one yet that he can watch all the way through without busting into tears. Nate is the opposite, he can watch anything (couch potato).

    So it was a huge surprise to us that Alex is super into all the Star Wars movies. Scary music in Disney movie? Tears and running out of the room. Darth Vader cuts off Luke's hand? Totally fine.

    He also does great with live-animation movies like Yogi Bear and Alvin and the Chipmunks. I think he is just too sensitive!

  9. That movie was sooo cute, I can't wait until it comes out on video. Maybe Kate will like it better while she is watching it at home.

  10. My daughter is 9 and just really has started liking movies. We had that same reaction, but she would hold her hands over her ears. She only made it through 4 minutes of Curious George! I so wanted her to like going to the movies, but it was just too much for her. Within the last few years, she has started to enjoy it once we are there, but it is never easy to convince her to go. I am always amazed at the kids her age that go see Harry Potter or the Narnia movies. I have been trying to get her to go see Tangled for weeks now! We went over the weekend and she still held her ears through the previews! :) At the end of the day, a bowl of popcorn on the couch with a DVD suits them just fine!

  11. Oh, poor Kate! I think Isabelle would feel the same way if I were to try to take her to the movies...maybe next year!

    Oh, and I must say I am sitting here just a little bit (okay, a LOT!) jealous seeing pics of Kate outside without so much as a jacket on! We're on Day Who Knows of school cancellations because of all the arctic whiteness around us! Snow is pretty- I like it. Coming inside from the pretty not pretty. Enjoy!

  12. Aw, what a bummer! But, super cute photos. It's crazy how all kids are so different, huh? I have a feeling my daughter is going to like the movie theater about as much as Kate did. :)

  13. Mason won't sit still long enough to watch a 30 minute TV show... I can't imagine even in 2 more years taking him to a movie, lol. I do want to see Tangled though! :) At least you tried, right?

  14. Bummer!! Poor girl. I'll bet in another year she'll be ready. In the meantime enjoy the fact that you don't have to spend $6 on a tiny box of Junior Mints. :)


  15. Hi Melissa! SOOO funny that we have the same name- I've never met another Melissa Larson:) Thanks for the message! Your family is just beautiful- what an amazing blog you have!

  16. Oh, I'm so sorry. My Ella is the exact same way...therefore I've sadly given up going to the movies with her. Talia on the other hand, is already asking me when she can go to the next one.

    I'm guessing our older kiddos will love the dvd. :)
