

10 on 10 :: December 2010

Ten on Ten: Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments.

Can you believe it is almost halfway through December?!?!
Here is Kate early this morning waiting to go downstairs to find Candle the Elf.
Every night before the 10th, I leave my Canon Rebel camera on the kitchen table as a reminder to bring it to school to document 10 on 10. (I don't have a point & shoot anymore and I refuse to bring my 50D to school)
Claire found the camera & tried to take some pictures with it.
The view outside my classroom...our campus is so beautiful, especially this time of year.
Because it is Friday, I did a fun lesson with my classes...m&m math as a way to teach combining like terms. Each student got their own fun size bag of m&m's.
Home from school....time to listen to Christmas music and edit pictures (I had FIVE photoshoots last week & just finished up editing my last one today! YAY!)
Confession: My favorite Christmas CD's? Mariah Carey, Amy Grant & Jessica Simpson. Go ahead, judge me :)
The Christmas lights on our house:
Our mantle that we put up last weekend (it looks a little bare, I will decorate it more this weekend)
Friday night means Pizza Night! (And, Kevin's favorite beer...bonus points if you can guess it!)
Kevin read the girls "Twas the Night Before Christmas" at bedtime tonight & there was a typo in the book! It said "Donder" instead of "Donner" (that's what you get when you buy books in the $1 section at Target.....)
I can't believe this is the last 10 on 10 for 2010!
And, I am SOOOOOO happy is Friday.
I have been SO overwhelmed with getting photos edited for people in time for Christmas (on top of teaching and being a mom & wife!)
It has been a crazy few weeks around our house. I have been up until 1am every night for the past 2 weeks editing pictures or making Christmas Cards.
I can't wait for a (hopefully) relaxing weekend, filled with sleeping, cleaning our house and attending our neighborhood Christmas party!

Happy Weekend to You!


  1. celebration ale... we go thru cases and cases every december... and i don't drink! haha.

    actually, i've heard donder a lot! i guess they go back & forth?


    HAHAHAHA! this is serious business!

  3. yay 10 on 10!

    Your Donder vs. Donner dilemma got me googling. I, too, found the same site as heather did along with this on

    After all these name changes, Donner and Blitzen could have a bit of an identity crisis...

  4. Yep, they're right and I didn't have to google! No typo in're a numbers freak, I'm a grammar (or maybe I'm turning into Erik totally pointless facts freak) freak! :)

  5. Mariah Carey can SING IT. No need to be ashamed there.

  6. I only listen to Mariah Carey at Christmastime.

    I'm a follower but also visiting from 10 on 10.

  7. It's so weird that you mentioned what kind camera you use because I was wondering. I'm going to try to start 10 on 10 in the new year. I always love seeing/reading yours. The Christmas book Target typo had me cracking up. I probably have that book in my house somewhere. Last thing, can you email your math lesson? My husband is teaches the same thing you do. I'll pass it along to him. Looks fun! Have a great weekend!

  8. I'm going to pull out my forty year old copy of The Night Before Christmas and see which name is used. I always thought it was Donner, too.

  9. my husband drinks that beer too! : ) great set of pictures this month. i can't believe how warm it looks!
    We have books that show both Donner and Donder, I think it is fairly common that both are used...I never realized that either until mu husband pointed it out to me a could of years ago and I just swore that he was wrong!

  10. Celebration Ale! And Claire looks like a natural holding that camera. It's so funny you mention the Donder thing... I was reading that book to Ella yesteday and noticed that, too! I thought maybe I was losing my mind and that I was wrong! Glad everyone cleared it up.

  11. I bring my 50D to school with me, but it never leaves my side. :-) It's fun though when the younger kids see it and all want to start mugging for the camera! From one (high school) teacher to another, thanks for sharing--love the pics!! :-)

  12. I'm going to have to check out Mariah Carey's Christmas music now. Everyone seems to think it's the best. I need some new festive music about now. :)

  13. The boy in the play-date picture... his face is CRACKING me up! He is totally repulsed by Kate's cookie decorating. :)

    Celebration Ale... mmm...

  14. I've heard Donder a lot too :)
    I love that story...and live somewhere that it's warm enough to sit OUTSIDE and decorate cookies! I just did a post about our 3+ feet of snow!! Different worlds.
    Thanks for sharing your day!

  15. beautiful photos, as usual, mel! merry christmas to you and yours!

  16. Our book says Donder too. :) Funny. I love that Christmas light picture Mel.

  17. I love your blog! I love to look at all the post you have, they never get old! I also have a 10 on 10.

  18. I loved my Christmas Card! Wonderful and beautiful! I have no idea how you do it all mama! Wonder woman you are!!

    P.S. Check out the Joy Williams Christmas CD. She is awesome (now known as The Civil Wars).

  19. I love your 10 on 10 idea! I would love to try it, but I think I would forget! haha!

  20. Its definitely a busy time of the year! I recognize the label on the beer but can't think of the name!

  21. The beer...Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale!

    Great pictures. The one of Claire with your camera is so funny. The picture of the trees at your school is beautiful!! What a pretty place to be working at.
    And donder... I've heard that some say that is his name too!
    Love your 10 on 10's. So much fun. Maybe I'll get into that next year.

  22. What a merry 10! I love it.

    The stocking pic is my favorite.

    We gots the Christmas hooch at this house as well...makes for festive evenings.

  23. Oh my gosh, I can't believe there is really a Dander the reindeer. How have I never heard of this?!?! Can't believe Dander even has his own website. So funny. And, for all of you who guessed Sierra Nevada, Celebration Ale, you are correct!
