

Gotta love being a Teacher

You know, BESIDES the obvious reasons like:

Summer vacation,
Thanksgiving Break,
Christmas Break
& Spring Break.

And of course,
BESIDES making a difference in lives of middle schoolers & teaching them to love math.....

Let's call this reason #14 why I love being a teacher:
The Christmas Gift Stash:
Check out all the stuff I got from my students this year.
Lots of homemade goodies, a few candles, a couple ornaments, several boxes of See's Candy,
PLUS over $100 in Starbucks cards! Score!

When in doubt, ALWAYS, ALWAYS get your child's teacher a Starbucks (or Target) Gift Card.
Best. Gift. Ever!
Well, actually.... the best gift in my opinion....2 weeks off of school!
Happy Christmas Vacation!


  1. Wow! That is awesome! I'm kind of surprised there isn't more classroom supply stuff. Fingers crossed, this time next year that will be me too!!! :)

  2. I got almost 10 lbs. in chocolate. And about $300 in gift cards..but the gift card of choice this year was not Starbucks...rather TARGET,baby! Almost $100 there!

  3. Score!!! You teachers deserve every bit of it! :)

  4. Score on the gift cards, especially your sister! I think I may have gotten a couple of regifted cards, hard to tell-I'll tell you about it later! So sad!

  5. Wow maybe I should be a teacher afterall

  6. Yeah, the advantage of being a teacher in a more privileged area. Me, I received 2 cards, one homemade and very cute. But the 2 week vacation makes up for all of that.

  7. Yea, teaching in an affluent area has some extra perks. Angie used to get nasty old stuffed animals and stuff at her school. Haha

    you got more in gift $$ than our entire school fundraiser brought in last weekend! Haha

    hope you have a great break! I am taking a teacher break this year! Yahoo!

  8. That is awesome!! That is funny because I was just saying to one of the moms in my son's class that how fun it would be to open 20+ presents! :)
    You deserve it! Thank God for our teachers!!

  9. Big time score!!
    Send some starbucks gift cards over here if you don't want them ;) Because of you all I do is dream of vanilla it!!

  10. Yay for Starbucks and Target! Who wouldn't love giftcards there?!?

  11. Wow, what a great lot of gifts! You must have a great class! :)

  12. What a cute post and Score on all your goodies! My bestie is a teacher and she helped me with my post and she said that Starbucks Gift Cards rock when she gets them she gets all giddy!

    Have a Great Weekend
    Summer :0)
