

Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Peppermint {aka: candy cane} Hot Chocolate is something I make every Christmas season.
I love hot chocolate & I LOVE candy canes, so I created this little concoction a few years ago.
I always make it the night we decorate our Christmas tree and when we have friends over to watch Christmas movies. Actually, I pretty much drink it every night in December.
It is a fun little twist on hot chocolate and is SO easy to make!
Here is what you need:
- Your favorite brand of Instant Hot Chocolate mix
- Candy Canes
- 1 large Candy Cane stick (optional)
- Whipped Cream
- Peppermint Sprinkles

If you are serving this for a group of people, then make a big batch of hot chocolate & have it simmer on your stove top. Use the Candy Cane stick to stir the hot chocolate. This adds the yummy peppermint flavor!
*Note* the candy cane stick will dissolve /break off because of the heat.
I usually take the candy cane out after 10-15 minutes because I don't like it *too* peppermint-y!
If you are just making a mug or 2 of the hot chocolate, then skip the step above and just make the hot chocolate in individual mugs.
Then add whip cream, sprinkle with the peppermint sprinkles (see below) and then garnish with a candy cane!
This hot chocolate tastes best when sitting by your Christmas tree & listening to Christmas music!
It is a fun & easy twist on normal hot chocolate. It looks really fancy, but it couldn't be easier to make!
And, it is especially fun to eat the candy cane when you are done!


  1. I didn't know they made peppermint sprinkles! Yum!

  2. hello, yummy!! totally doing this!

  3. blog. the. bleu. cheese. crack. quickly.
    I need it.
    this looks good too.
    but not bcc good.

  4. I do this too....but nearly as well! I buy a tin of candy cane hot cocoa and add hot water!

    Have a beautiful Christmas and thanks for the card this year!!!


  5. I came from a link on Meg Duerkson's blog...the layout of your blog is so pretty! And I love your tagline, or whatever it's called. "Live. Laugh. Photograph."-that's so great! :)

  6. Hot chocolate with a mint tea bag is also YUMMY!! :)
