

Monkey Bread

This Monkey Bread recipe is one that my Grammy used to make for us when we were visiting her. Growing up, we spent Thanksgiving with her & she would always make us this monkey bread for breakfast.

It is SO good and SO easy!

I started making it for Kevin & I a few years ago & now Kate likes to help me make it. I make a yummy breakfast every Saturday & this monkey bread makes the rotation at least once a month! It is also great for Thanksgiving Day breakfast, Christmas morning or a shower/brunch!
Here is what you need:
The ingredients:4 packages of Pillsbury Buttermilk Biscuits
1/3 cup sugar2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon, divided1 cup brown sugar1 stick butter1 T of Karo Syrup(*if you don't have Karo Syrup you can leave it out*)

In a saucepan, melt 1 cup brown sugar, 1 stick of butter, 1 t of cinnamon & 1 T of Karo syrup on low, stirring every minute or so.While your sauce heating, cut your biscuits in half with kitchen scissors
(I love kitchen scissors!)
Place the cut up biscuits into the ziplock, add 1/3 cup white sugar & 1 t of cinnamon into a large ziplock bag.
Shake the bag & make sure your biscuit pieces are nice & coated!

Keep stirring your brown sugar mixture until it is all melted:
Put the coated biscuits into a Bundt pan (I spray mine with Pam) & drizzle butter/brown sugar mixture over the top of biscuits.Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes until nice & golden.
Let cool in bundt pan for 10 minutes. Then, flip it onto a plate!
Mmmmm....look at the yummy-ness!To eat, just pull apart pieces of the monkey bread & enjoy the gooey-goodness!
Now, go to the store so you can make some of your own monkey bread!
Your family will thank me!


  1. We make monkey bread every year for Christmas morning breakfast! It is soooo yummy!

  2. We have the same Christmas morning tradition! I use the same ingredients but assemble it a little differently-- we cut the biscuits into quarters and roll them into balls, then shake up the balls in a Ziplock bag full of the sugars. I pour the butter over the top when it is in the pan. You're right... sooo yummy!

  3. I'm going to the store tonight so we can have some of this on Thanksgivng morning! Can't wait!

  4. I had to run to the store already last night, so I grabbed everything and made this for breakfast this morning! Thanks for the yummy recipe. My hubby's mom use to make this all the time for him, but I had never baked it. It was super easy and so yummy!

  5. That picture is too perfect for this post! Love it! We make this on Christmas morning, too! So funny how a lot of us share this tradition--it is definitely a yummy one.

  6. We do monkey bread every year for Christmas breakfast too! It is so good!!!

  7. yum!!! thanks for sharing this!!

  8. ok, those photos are making me so hungry i'm tempted to run to the grocery store right now so i can make it tonight. it's 9:39pm here.

  9. I'm stopping over from The Goat and the Kid and this is a favorite in our family! I usually make this when I make chili! It is the best combination honest!

  10. I used to make Monkey Bread as a child!! Yum! why have I not made that for my kids yet?? Such a fun weekend morning treat/breakfast! =)
    visiting from Nancy's blog hop!

  11. I first made monkey bread when i was in home ed class and haven't made it sense. We did it a little different but i giving your version a try it's in the oven as I type. Can't wait

    Thanks for sharing

  12. Thaks for sharing! I just pulled it out of the oven for breakfast! I posted it on my blog. Pictures later.

    thanks cant wait to dig in! :)

    Karin Marie

  13. This looks so good! We have nothing like those buttermilk biscuits here in Australia so I will just have to look at the pictures and imagine ......

    I found your blog via joys hope.

  14. Wow, this sounds SO good! I'm blog hopping from Kellyskorner. Am now following! Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!

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