

The many faces of Kate

Kate's thing for the past few months is to make funny faces for us. She asks me to take pictures of her & then she likes looking at my display on my camera right after so she can she what she looks like.
Can you say vain?

This is the Classic Kate face with a crinkled nose.
She has been making this face since she was 8 months old:
This face is Kate imitating our yellow lab, Boulder, when Boulder sniffs you:
This is Kate being a lion. ROOOOAAAARRRR!
This is the face Kate makes when she wants to manipulate you & get her way.
She says, "Pleeeeeease" and then looks at you innocently with her big green eyes:
This next face is the "Chandler" (from FRIENDS) remember the episode where Monica & Chandler where getting engagement pictures done & Chandler couldn't do a natural smile? Well, this has been happening to Kate when I try and take her picture. When I tell her to say "cheese" and smile, this is the forced smile she makes sometimes. Yikes!
(This also shows her need for an orthodontist when she is older. Hello, crooked teeth!)
This is the "I have a big gap in my front teeth like Madonna" face.
This is Kate's natural & un-posed smile...she was just looking at her Daddy as he was talking to her.
Kate is SUCH a Daddy's little girl!
This is the kitty cat face, Kate saying "meeee-mow, meeeee-mow"
This is Kate imitating Claire when Claire is crying:
(and, more proof that Kate will need an orthodontist in a few years)
Kate's Cow face. "MOOOOOOOOOO"
This is her "excited face" that shows her expressionate eyes & pure joy that she brings us!
Sometimes, I walk into Kate's room & catch her standing in front of her mirrored closet doors looking at herself making different faces.
Everytime I try & take a picture of her doing it, she stops.....typical 2.5 year old!


  1. SO CUTE! The cow is my favorite. :) The natural smile when she's looking at her daddy is absolutely priceless and brought tears to my eyes. So sweet.

  2. she is NOT vain...she's 2.5

    If I was that cute I would be looking all the time too.

    btw...I laughed so hard at the Madonna smile...OMG

    Who knows if she'll need to see an orthodontist...they're just baby teeth

    The last shot melts my heart, awesome capture

  3. these are hilarious! That please photo...oh my! I don't know if I could ever resist. You must have some strong willpower :)

    All of the pictures are priceless!

  4. The gap kills me!!! As janey's side teeth come in I secretly hope that they won't push the front teeth together and close her jack o lantern smile even a millimeter. But in 12 years I am sure I won't feel the same way. Yay for gappy smile girls.

  5. Hi! Found you via Joy's Hope and just wanted to say hi. :) I love the picture with the "Pleeeese" face - too cute! Blessings!

  6. Hi! I found you on Joy's Hope. You take great pictures. I love those funny faces. Ellen (Larsson party of 4, 2 s's, no dog and more y chromosomes than your Larsons)

  7. Hey! I'm coming over from Joy's Hope! She is just toooo adorable!! My 18 month old daughter does the scrunched up face too when I point the camera at her! It cracks me up! Thanks for the giveaway and I hope I win! :) I'm following your blog & glad I found it!

  8. Oh, I miss the crinkled face! She doesn't do that as much...well, at least I haven't seen it in awhile.

  9. GREAT pics! Glad Julie at Joy's Hope lead me to you!
