

End of an Era.

I got pregnant with Kate in May of 2006.
She was born in January of 2007
(and I nursed her until January 2008)
In January 2008 I found I was pregnant with Claire, so I stopped nursing Kate a few days before her 1st birthday.
Claire was born in September of 2008.
I stopped nursing Claire 2 days ago.

I have either been pregnant or nursing {without a break} for the past:
3 years, 4 months & 13 days
Which translates to:
1,232 days
29, 568 hours

1,774, 080 minutes

104,444,800 seconds

That is a LONG time.
It's not long compared to Michelle Duggar, but to me, it is a long time!

To say that my body is ready for a break is an understatement.
Kevin has been so supportive for the past 3.5 years of me having random pregnancy/nursing hormones running through my body.
Thanks for putting up with me, Kevin!
Am I sad I am done nursing? A little bit. I am sad this era of my life has ended, but I am also ready for my body to be my own & not have a little person rely on it, even though it is bittersweet.

I am proud that I was able to nurse both my girls for the first year of their lives.
Neither one of them has had a drop of formula.
(I am not judging those who use formula. To each her own. I am just too cheap to pay for it! And, I was lucky I had a huge breast milk supply.)
Here is my leftover supply of pumped breast milk that I am getting ready to ship off to the International Breast Milk Project.
I qualified as a donor this past January, you can read about the process HERE.
Claire has transitioned very well to cow's milk & LOVES her sippy cup.

She starts squealing when she sees it!

My baby is growing up right before my eyes & isn't as dependent on me anymore.
A new era has begun for us with 2 toddlers in the house.
Now, I am off to find some cabbage. I hear it helps when you are weaning. Can anyone vouch for that?


  1. I tried the cabbage, it seemed to help.
    My milk hung out for a long time though after weaning before it finally went away.

    I love Claires shirt :)

  2. I've read about the IBMP on your page... awesome of you to help out. And I'll be interested in hearing about the cabbage thing!

  3. I LOVED nursing, but it feels SO good to be free. I nursed both girls 14 months each, and they also never tasted formula. Weaning Chloe was much more painful than Camden. With Camden, I was down to just once a day before fully giving it up, which proved to be easier. Just about 2 or 3 days of pain. Enjoy your body again :)

  4. Cute girls! (I love Claire's shirt. Does it come in my size?)

    Yes I make my recipe cards on Photoshop. Glad you like them :)

  5. I LOVE that shirt, it's adorable! I think it's amazing that you were able to do all of that for so long. Are you all done having babies?

  6. This is so awesome. I LOVE this organization. I was so mad at myself for not doing this with my last child. You are doing a great thing! Oh, I am a new follower!
