


I LOVE fabric.
Especially this yummy Amy Butler French Wallpaper fabric.
I bought a yard of it last spring, just so I could have it in case I wanted to make something with it.
Why are you laughing?
Oh, that's right, you are laughing because if you know me, you know that,

I can barely sew a button.
But, that might change after Christmas.
My mother in law said she would get me a sewing machine for Christmas and, she is going to teach me how to sew!
(And, in return, I am going to teach her how to use Photoshop, since that is what we got her for her birthday.)
Sounds like a good trade off if you ask me!
I have been inspired to learn how to sew by some bloggy ladies.
Julie, Heather, Tegan, & Erin to name a few.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Their pretty.messy.headbands are courtesy of Julie at Joy's Hope. I saw she made these headbands with the frenchy fabric & I had to get them for the girls! I got these headbands for them last spring, you may remember Claire wearing it in this picture. Kate wouldn't wear any headbands at all until last month, so I was so excited when she finally decided wearing headbands was acceptable!
Heather made their cute initial t-shirts this summer. I emailed her one day to see if she would make the girls some since I had plain pink t's from Target & I had the fabric. Since she only lives 10 minutes away, I was able to drop them off with her & get them back the same afternoon! They turned out SO cute! Claire finally grew into hers, so I knew it was time for a photoshoot!
Here are some pictures I took last weekend of Kate & Claire with some handmade cuteness! They weren't very cooperative for me. I took these on our front lawn while Kevin was washing his car in the driveway. The girls would rather watch Daddy wash the car then look at the camera. Oh well!
This is my attempt at a "sisters" picture:
I tried having them sit on the grass & look at me, but it they just wanted to give eachother hugs instead!
Let's hope this sisterly love lasts many more years!


  1. too cute!

    I need to learn how to sew, too.

  2. Those are cute! I do know how to sew, but don't much. I'm inspired now!

    And I love your kid's names! We have a Claire too. And Kate was high on our list, but was only taken off because of an association with someone we know that we didn't want to name a girl after. But I still love the name!

  3. that is MY favorite fabric too!!! but, i still haven't splurged to by myself any....

    your girls are TOO cute!!!


  4. you can totally learn to sew! i got my machine just last christmas. and when you do, we'll get tegan down here and have a super nerdy sewing night :) maybe we can even convince julie to come up! the girls look ADORABLE!!

  5. I'm on my way...
    love it!!!
    cute pics and even cuter girls.
    every time I try to get a sister picture they do the same thing, only with a bit of attacking involved.

  6. I'm with you on the sewing thing. I'm not sure I have enough patience in me to ever try to learn.

    Isn't funny how kids choose things. The headband wasn't ok and now it is? Girls! :)

  7. I am so honored to be named in the likes of such talented ladies. In reality I made some ruffle butt onesies today that should be submitted to Handmade Gone Wrong. Oh well. :)

    Can't wait to see what your first project will be!

  8. I bought one yard of the same fabric with no idea what to do with it too! I used it as a backdrop to take pictures of my baby girl until I can decide what I want to make with it!

  9. Oh Mel! How we would have SO much fun if we lived near each other! Have you always had this creative side? I'm lovin' it!!! I have made the decision to ask for Photoshop for Christmas this year. Your photography has been such an inspiration for me! Watch out blog world! Funny thing too, regarding sewing, my MIL bought me a sewing machine and helped me sew my first purse a while back. Might just dust that ol' sewing machine off soon....

  10. if you were taking pictures of me, and kev was washing the car, i wouldnt be able to take my eyes of his glistening muscles either...

  11. let's totally have a sewing night. for reals. i will bring the wine :) tegan, let heather know next time you are coming down!
    and shannon- are you coming home for christmas? i miss you!!
