

It's the Most Wondeful Time of the Year

4th of July. My favorite day of the year. For reals.
I love everything about it.
parades. friends. family. swimming. ice cold beverages. flags.
BBQ's. fireworks.
red, white & blue. Love. it. all.
And, this year was Claire's First 4th of July!

The 4th really starts for our family on the 3rd. My sisters & I go to my parents house to help get all the food ready for my parents annual "4th of July Sausage Fest" (aka a BBQ with tons of steak & sausage...and other great food!)
And, of course we have to help my dad make homemade ice cream. I will do a post on how we do the homemade ice cream later on this week.
July 3rd: Getting ready for the Sausage Fest, Kate & El make star cookies for the kids' goodie bags:

Waiting on the bench for the ice cream to finish churning:
Checking to see if the ice cream is done:
4th of July pre-parade breakfast at the Decker's:

If you want to see some classic pictures I took of Wendy's kids at the Decker's party, click HERE.
At the parade:

Signs up all around town about the parade chair regulations:
2 very tired little girls on the walk home:
At my parents 4th of July Sausage Fest:

Lava Flows & Margaritas. Yum!

Ice cream time!
Jimmy's Homemade Ice cream!
Time for fireworks! All we have to do is go across the street & we have a perfect view!
We let Kate stay up 2 hours past her bedtime to see the fireworks. She wasn't impressed.

Hope you had a fun 4th of July!


  1. I love the pre-parade breakfast idea! I'm going to have to start that in our family next year.

    Looks like a great day. :) (Those parade seating rules absolutely crack me up.)

  2. wow your parents house has a BEAUTIFUL view in the back!

    Looks like you guys know how to celebrate the 4th! and your girls had the cutest outfits!

  3. I LOVE lava flows. They are our vacation drink.
