

10 on 10 :: January 2018

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button
Happy 10th of January! 
I told Kate that she would be  excited when she got the milk out of the fridge.
 The expiration date is her birthday :) Am I the only one who likes to pick expiration dates that have meaning? LOL!
My outfit for today...I have this vest in the cream color I wore today & black. Perfect for California "winter" when it's cold in the morning & you need an extra layer.
 During my break at school. Time to catch up on emails & eat my breakfast. I have some sort of bar for breakfast...usually around 10am.
On the left is our worksheet for the day...on the right you can see my new 2018 planner.
View from my classroom... it was a foggy day.
All the trees are bare this time of year. Sad!

After I was done teaching, I headed to the kids school because Kate's 5th grade class was doing a play..Walk through the American Revolution.
It was awesome. My Betsy Ross did a great job!

We  got home at 2:30 & I was finally able to have lunch! I skipped my lunch break & was at Kate's play for almost 2 hours, so I was starving!
On Monday, I made a big batch of Grammy's Split Pea Soup in my Instant Pot. I make it often in the winter & it's perfect for lunch during the week.

Luke and I went to the library.....I had some books on hold I wanted to pick up, so we also went over for the Children's section so Luke could check some out as well.
He loves the library & after he picked out books for himself, he picked out a book for both Kate & Claire as well. Such a sweet boy!

Homework's so crazy how most of their homework is done online!

It's Wednesday, so that means Kate has Youth Group at church. She goes with 3 of her best friends & they love it. I dropped them all off tonight. Gotta love carpooling!
Kevin & Claire had their Adventure Guide meeting to make Pinewoood Derby cars & Kate was at Youth Group, so I took Luke on a Frozen Yogurt date after we dropped Kate & her friends off.

After I read books to Luke & put him to bed, I got myself a cup of tea & started watching my newest obsession....Married at First Sight.
Winter Break Confession: My friend Jackie told me about a show I had never heard of: Married at First Sight. I binge watched the first 2 seasons over break & now I am almost done with Season 3. It is FASCINATING. I am obsessed!!!! Season 6 just started, so I have some catching up to do. It’s on Lifetime (not Netflix, so just download the Lifetime app to watch past seasons) No other word to describe it as fascinating. How did I not know about this show before?!? Who else has seen this show? I am OBSESSED!!

So, there you go.....a sneak peek of our day!
Hope you had a great 10th!


  1. I do that with expiration dates also! Or I try to get even dates (I am weird and like even numbers)
    A few of my friends watch Married at 1st Sight...but is it so awkward?!?! Guess I need to watch and find out :)

  2. Hello! Which grade do you teach? I'm currently on maternity leave and I found I've been transferred from third grade to 6th grade math at the middle school. I can't decide if I'm excited for the change or terrified! How do you like teaching middle school?

  3. I love Married at First Sight, too! I've watched since the first season, and it's definitely a guilty pleasure. I have DVR'd all the episodes from this season so far but haven't started watching it yet. Glad to know I'm not the only fan!
