

Hello Monday & A Guest Post!

I am so excited about today's post because it is a guest post from one of my favorite bloggers, Heather from  Notes from the Nelsens.
Heather & I have been reading each others blogs for years.....Before she had kids & before Luke was even born.  
We are switching places today & sharing on each other's blogs.
I am so excited for you to get to know & love Heather like I have!

Hey there! I'm Heather Nelsen, and I write a lifestyle, food and family blog over at Notes from the Nelsens.

I am so excited to be switching spaces with Mel today! If we didn't live across the country from each other, I am quite certain we'd be hang-out friends. :)

In the picture above you'll see my husband, Matt, who I swooped up in high school, our two kids, Ryan (2) and Natalie (9 months), who have made our lives so much richer, and our dog, Tally, who we refer to as the first born because we made the mistake of treating him like a child before we had real children. πŸ˜‰

Travelfoodfamily, and faith are just a few of the things you'll find me writing about over at my space, so feel free to stop by, and say hello when you do!

You can also find me Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Bloglovin'.

Today, Mel and I wanted to share a few of our favorite and most popular recipes with you guys. Be sure to check out her post on my blog here!

recipe here

recipe here

recipe here

recipe here

recipe here

recipe here

I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! I'm praying we all make the time to pause among the beautiful chaos and recognize the big and small things we have to be grateful for.

Thanks again for having me, Mel!
And don't forget to check out her guest post here!



Thank you so much Heather for switching places today!
Those recipes look amazing....I can't wait to try the twice baked potatoes and the Gnocchi with cream sauce...YUM!
I love you & your sweet family and I agree...if we didn't live across the country from each other, we would totally be in real life friends :)

I also wanted to let you know that What's Up Wednesday will be THIS Wednesday 11/23

I know we normally do it the last Wednesday of the month, but because of the holidays, we are doing it a week early this month and next month (our December link up will be on 12/21)
As a reminder, here are the questions...feel free to answer all or some :)

Our bonus question for this month is:
What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?


  1. I love finding new blogs!! Thank you so much for sharing :)

  2. The picture of your 3 kiddos that you shared on my blog this morning is PRECIOUS!! And to think there will be a day when our kids will look at the camera! πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ˜‚ Thanks for having me, Mel!

  3. I am loving all the recipes you posted. I can't wait to make them!

  4. So funny to see Heather here. I also follow her blog for a few years now.
