

2016 Garden {Month 2}

It's been a little over 2 months since we planted our 2016 Garden, so I thought I would do another garden update.
I saw this quote & loved true! Ha!
Here is what our 2016 garden looked like when I first planted it:
Here it is about a month later:
And here is it TWO Months after planting it:
 It has grown SO much!!!
My tomatoes are growing a ton! 

I am watering 1-2 times a week (we are in a drought still so I am trying to be smart about watering & that seems to be working well)

Here is what has been going on in the tomato plants are growing like CRAZY!
This is my box that has 5 different varities of cherry tomatoes:
 Grape Tomatoes are coming in:
 Sun Sugar:
Sweet 100:
I thought these were red cherry, but the tag must have been wrong because they are yellow pear tomaotes!! Oh well. LOL!
 Sun Gold:
 My first harvest of tomatoes this year was from yesterday:
 I made an egg scramble with the tomatoes & some shredded zucchini from my garden. YUM!
I have an entire garden box dedicated to 5 Early Girl Tomato Plants:
 I have lots of fruit on the plants:
 Some are barely starting to turn orange/red....these won't be ready for another few weeks.
These are the best on sandwiches, hamburgers or Caprese Salad. YUM!

My 3rd garden box has my herbs along with zucchini, squash & lettuce.
 My zuchinni & squash are still going crazy.
I can't keep up with all the veggies these are producing!
 .I have been giving a ton away to family & friends.
My pumpkin plant is really growing!

The view from how are garden looked from this direction 2 months ago at the beginning of May:
One month later at the beginning of June:
 And, 2 months after we planted it...beginning of July:
 It's so fun to see the garden kids love heading out to the garden each morning to see what we can harvest each day!
 They love picking the cherry tomatoes off the vine & eating them right there in the garden!

What is your favorite thing to plant/eat in your garden?
Happy Gardening! 


  1. Your garden ALWAYS gives me envy! I'm seriously so in awe of it Mel! Especially this year...because I can't keep an armadillo out of mine. What?! Yes!

  2. Your tomatoes look awesome! Homegrown tomatoes are the best!

  3. Wow, that is incredible!! I would love to have a garden, but I have what I like to call a "black thumb." I can't keep anything alive! :o(
