

Stranded {Netflix Edition}

Today I'm linking up with Shay & Erika for  STRANDED!

What 3 Netflix series would you bring?

Well, let me just say I love that I can watch Netflix on this deserted island :)

This was very easy for me to decide.
I knew I wanted shows that I LOVE and that I can watch over and over and over again without getting sick of them.
I knew that I would want to watch shows that are comedies, because if I am stranded on an island I want to be laugh and not watch something dramatic or emotional.

 This is probably my all time favorite show. 
I have all 10 seasons on DVD. 
I watch Friends almost every night on Nick at Night before bed 
(Can we talk for a minute about the fact that Friends is on Nick at Night?!?! That makes me feel so old!!!)
I started watching Friends when it first came out when I was in high school.
Then when I went to college, we would all gather and watch it on Thursday nights. 
In my humble opinon, the series finale of Friends is one of the best finales of a TV show.
I BAWLED during that episode.

When I look back on high school & college, I think of Friends. 
I have watched each episode dozens of times & haven't gotten sick of them yet. 

How I met your Mother

I LOVE this show. I started watching it from the pilot episode...Kevin and I were newlyweds. We faithfully watched it every Monday night every season
 It is equivalent to FRIENDS for me. This show started as soon as Friends went off air, so it filled that void for me. LOL! I really loved the characters & the concept of this show.
 I must say, the series finale was not my favorite. 
But, besides that....this is a show that I love and can watch over and over again.

Oh Gilmore I love thee...let me count the ways.
I first started watching this show when it first came out on Netflix in the Fall of 2014.
It was love at first watch. 
How did I not watch this show when it originally aired?!?!
Obsessed doesn't even come close.
I binge watched the entire series in a little over a month. So embarrassing.
I love Stars Hollow...I want to move there.
It always seems to be Fall (my favorite season!) 
And, I LOVE the mother/daughter relationship & of course who doesn't love Luke & Loralei?!?
I want to start over and watch the series again this Fall (especially because of the Gilmore Girls Reunion episodes)

So, there you have it.
The 3 shows that I would want to have with me on a deserted island to help keep me entertained.

Since I can only bring 3 shows, I wanted to let you know my runner ups.
It's not on Netflix, so I can't bring it ;) But it's another one of my all time favorite shows that I can watch over and over again without getting sick of.
 Friday Night Lights & Parenthood
These are 2 more of my very favorite TV series of all time, but I cry when I watch them! They are dramas & not comedies & they are way too emotional for me to watch on a deserted island, so that is why they didn't make the cut ;) I wanted to bring 3 shows that will make me laugh & also have good characters & fun/funny plot lines that I can watch over and over again without getting sick of watching :)

Here are the next dates & topics for the STRANDED link up!
 You can see my 3 medicine cabinet items {HERE} & my 3 book choices {HERE}

 What 3 Netflix series would you bring?!?! 


  1. I would pick the exact same three shows! They are the best.

  2. Thank you for mentioning How I Met Your Mother-- it is one of those shows I have always kind if meant to get to but it slipped off my radar. Liz @

  3. I LOVE How I Met Your Mother!! My husband and I binge watched it last spring and I couldn't believe we waited so long to see it. It's the funniest show and just makes me so happy. We kind of had an idea about the ending so it wasn't a huge shock. I kind of felt the ending fit though, but maybe that's because we had an inkling about it. Such a great series!!

  4. I LOVE How I Met Your Mother!! My husband and I binge watched it last spring and I couldn't believe we waited so long to see it. It's the funniest show and just makes me so happy. We kind of had an idea about the ending so it wasn't a huge shock. I kind of felt the ending fit though, but maybe that's because we had an inkling about it. Such a great series!!

  5. WooHoo Mel! We must share a love of tv shows. GG and Friends topped my list as well! Enjoy the last day of school!!!

  6. I have to say Friends would probably be my favorite of all time! "back in the day" we did not miss Thursday night TV..Seinfield, Friends and ER I'm pretty sure. I scheduled my life around it. I can so remember bawling at the last Seinfield episode and every time I her the song I still get sentimental. lol

  7. I have to say Friends would probably be my favorite of all time! "back in the day" we did not miss Thursday night TV..Seinfield, Friends and ER I'm pretty sure. I scheduled my life around it. I can so remember bawling at the last Seinfield episode and every time I her the song I still get sentimental. lol

  8. These are great choices! Gilmore Girls is one of my all time favorites! I can't believe I didn't see it live when it originally aired either! I can't wait for the new one!! :) xo, Kristina

  9. Awesome list! Even now the jokes on friends are still current! And Gilmore Girls for the win!

  10. All three are fabulous picks!! I love How I Met Your Mother! Barney is hysterical! Thanks for linking up friend :).

  11. We have ALL of the same favorite shows... Even the runners up!! So therefore I'm going to need you to tell me what I should watch next on Netflix. My DVR is clear and I need a new show! Clearly I can trust your opinion. :)

  12. Friends is, hands-down, the best sow on TV EVER and nothing will ever beat it in my opinion. I've seen every episode countless times and I can recite pretty much of all them. It's actually quite pathetic. Haha!

  13. I'm watching pretty little liars on Netflix right now. ADDICTED & when I first started it I didn't think I liked it

  14. Mine would be HIMYM, Parenthood, and Gilmore Girls :)

  15. I love Friends and Gilmore Girls. I am only on season 4 of Gilmore Girls, but I can't get enough of it.
