

10 on 10 :: December 2015

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button

Yesterday was a busy December day!
Here is a peak of what we were up to:
Fall has arrived in December :)
My school campus is covered with trees & the beautiful leaves. We had rain yesterday, so the leaves were all falling. 

Breakfast of champions....I have some sort of bar for breakfast Monday through Friday.
In class, we did a Math Lib Review & I had stations. It was a fun activity & gets the students up & moving around.
 Thursdays are my favorite day to teach because I am done at 11:15. So, when I got home (Luke was still with my mother in law at Bible Study) I decided to do some touch up paint in his room. We got rid of his crib a couple weeks ago & I rearranged his room (and we took down his awesome rain gutter bookshelf (see it HERE) since that is where his bed was going) so I had to paint where I patched up some holes.
 There was a break in the rain so I decided to go on my 3 mile run. This was my last run before my half marathon....which is tomorrow!!! AHHHHH!!!! 
If you feel so inclined to donate to my run, HERE is the link. I am running with Team World Vision & all donations are made right to World Vision & they are 100% tax deductible.
Thank you for your support!
I love our running's so pretty this time of year!
I put this pic on Instagram, but wanted to share it here also with some words of encouragement:
Progress, not perfection. Less than 5 months ago I started running again after a 10 year running hiatus. The top rectangle shows my distance & time my first time running. The middle one shows the same run 3 months later (I ran that 2 days before I ran the Nike Women's Half. The bottom is today, my final run for my half marathon training.  My race is in on Saturday.  I wanted to share these because it is fun to see how my times have improved. I didn't run for 10 years because I was scared that I wasn't going to be as good of a runner as I used to be. I am so glad I swallowed my pride and started running again. I am stronger & feel so much better about myself. I made every excuse to not run.....too busy, too out of shape, too much going on with 3 kids, etc. Are you making excuses also? I was that person. So glad stopped making excuses. I only run 3-4 times a week. It doesn't take that much time out of my day. I am a busy working mom of 3, if I can make time, so can you!

Lunchtime after my run...getting in lots of protein. Fried eggs, avacado & chalula. Obsessed!


Then, Luke and I went to pick up Claire from school. One of our kids favorite things to do is climb the Japenesse Maple. Can you find Claire?!? So glad I snapped this photo....this morning all the leaves had blown off the tree because of the rain & wind last night :(

Happy Mail Day! These beauties got delivered...I ordered them as Christmas gifts for the girls on my Rodan + Fields Team.

 If you have been on the fence about joining my team, let's chat. We have some amazing sign up specials for the month of December! Send me an email for more info! melissa_larson17(at)

Kate doing math homework....have you heard of the website Sum Dog? My girls love it! I also love that Kate randomly put on a Santa hat to do homework. Kids are fun...especially this time of year.

The never ending laundry pile....ugh. Luke was in bed, Kevin & the girls were at their Father/Daughter Adventure Guides Christmas party, so I folded laundry & watched a Hallmark movie

Hope you had a good 10th & Happy Friday!!!

Just a reminder: If you want to order the Microderm Paste and/or Sunless Tanner at my discounted price, send me an email!
Microdermabrasion Paste-$68
Foaming Tanner- $20
I will pay the tax & shipping.
And, if you haven't entered my $250 Target Giftcard Giveaway, make sure you enter {HERE}
 Giveaway ends this weekend!


  1. I just love those Kate Spade earrings! And is it just me or is it strange to see leaves on the ground in California? Have a great weekend!

  2. ACK! I will pretend I did NOT see the mail day picture! ;)
