

Weekend Fun!

This past weekend was SO much fun.
The weekend before was rough....3 sick kids, Luke breaking out in hives, etc.
This past weekend? Totally fun. It was exactly what we needed!
Our weekend started off on Thursday night with a double date when we headed to San Francisco with some of our best friends.
We had tickets to the Banff Mountain Film Festival Tour at the Palace of Fine Arts in SF.
Driving across the Bay Bridge at can see the Golden Gate in the distance. 
 We got stuck in TONS of traffic because we headed to SF during rush hour & we were starving and needed something quick before the Film Festival started, so once we were in the city we went to Unami Burger. It's a hipster burger place, check out the types of burgers on the menu:
 I got the Sunny Side Burger....a burger with a fried egg on it & truffle butter. Oh my was AMAZING. Next time I am getting the Manly Burger because....BACON!
 We then rushed over to the Palace of Fine Arts (which is Gorgeous at night, by the way!) 
We got there just a few minutes before showtime!
The Banff Mountain Film Festival Tour is 8 short movies (ranging from 6 minutes to 30 minutes) and they are some of the top movies & award winning movies from the Banff Mountain Film Festival.
They are inspirational movies about outdoors-y activties that normal people do (think extreme skiing, mountain biking, rock climbing, 1 legged skiier, etc) The short films were SO awesome and each one was so unique. 
I loved watching them and being inspired by these people and hearing their stories. We will for sure go again next year! 
 Me & Jackie at intermission waiting in line at the Clif Bar table. Yay for free clif bars!
Heading back after the show, the ferry building was lit up and it says 1915 instead of 2015 because in 1915 the Panama canal was open and SF was the city chosen for Panama-Pacific World Expo.
 Also, on the way home, the lights for the Bay Bridge were lit up for the last time until 2016 (when SF hosts the Superbowl)
It was a fun night to be in the city! Lots going on! It was a school night and getting home at midnight was rough! But worth it! So much fun with some of our best friends!
Friday arrived and I was so excited because it was our Elementary School Auction that night!
Not only that, but I had my hair cut appointment on Friday afternoon so I got to relax with a diet coke & get my hair cut!
Our school auction was SO fun!
I love these ladies and I love their kids who are friends with my girls.
My dress {HERE}

It was SUCH a gorgeous was in the 70s!
 The theme for the Auction was  "007: A time to Bond"
The auction was held at a car museum...very James Bond!
 There were cars all around the ballroom and then the dinner tables were in the middle:
Dessert Table:
Tons of twinkle lights hanging from the ceiling:
 SUCH a fun night with our friends!!!! And, our school raised over $100,000!
We danced all night!
My feet hurt so bad the next day.....dancing in heels for hours will do that!
On Saturday we laid low because we were so tired from staying out until after midnight 2 nights in a row!
The girls rode bikes & it was a mellow day.
 We went to Saturday night church service & then to dinner with friends after!
 Sunday was another warm day. 
Sorry East Coast friends....but it was so warm on Sunday that my girls wanted to go swimming!
The pool was freezing...60 degrees! No way I was going in. But they had fun.
The 1st swim of 2015 on March 8th. I thin that is the earliest we have swam, usually it's the end of March.
Sunday afternoon, our court hung out & hand an impromptu block party in honor of the warm weather & it being Daylight Savings.
I have a love-hate with Daylight Savings.
I hate losing an hour of sleep, but I love that it stays light longer.
It is also hard to put my kids to bed when it is so light out! 
They normally go to bed at 7:30. The past few nights have been a no-go because it is still light out!
So, Spring is officially here in California. We never got a winter this year. Hopefully we get rain this Spring because we are in a major drought!
And, if you missed it last Rodan + Fields March Special was announced!

My March Rodan + Fields Special is going on all month for new Preferred Customers & new business partners! It's one of the best deals I have all YEAR!
$20 cash back, 17% off your order and FREE Shipping!
If you are interested in joining the business, you get 17% off your business kit! 
Message me or email me to place an order or if you have questions!

 Hope you had a GREAT weekend!


  1. Your dress looks amazing on you!! Love it! (and I'm definitely jealous of the swimming! But I wouldn't have stuck my big toe in a pool that cold!)

  2. What a fun weekend! You looked fabulous in your dress!! I need a weekend just like that :).

  3. What a great fun-filled weekend! I could use a nice Diet Coke like that right now!

  4. Looks like a fun weekend! Love your dress..
    I am thinking of taking the to kids to SF for a few days during Spring we go often but I have not driven there alone so I am a bit nervous
