

Back to School Feast {2014}

We are a week into school and so far, so good.
It was a little rough for Claire the first few days, but since then, it has been all good!

 Ever since Kate started preschool, we have done a Back to School Feast to kick off the school year.
This is one of my favorite traditions!
Back to School Feast {2010}
Back to School Feast {2011}
Back to School Feast {2012}
Back to School Feast {2013}

  Each year we pick a theme for the year for the kids to focus on.
This year, our family theme is:
I found a ton of prints on Google Images and printed some of them out and put them in frames.
Garland hanging from the window:
Love all these prints & so did the girls:
I went with bright, bold colors for our Back to School Feast. Brave girls like bright colors :)
 We always have our Back to School Feast Dinner outside.
Bright garland for the outside:
I always get the girls a little Back to School "gift".
They needed water bottles for their school lunches, and they love Frozen, so these were perfect!
One side of the water bottle has Anna & Elsa, the other side has Olaf. We even talked about how their gift went along with our "Be Brave" theme. We talked about how Anna, Elsa & Olaf were all brave throughout the movie.
For our Back to School Feast, I always let the girls pick our menu. This meal is all about them & getting them excited about the new school year. 
For the 4th year in a row, they picked Breakfast for dinner!
The Menu:
Homemade Waffles
Scrambled Eggs
Bacon & Maple Sausage
Breakfast Potatoes
Orange Juice
The girls also wear crowns during our Back to School Feast since it is a special dinner all about them!
{This crown was made by my friend Becky & it was a favor at her daughter's birthday party a few years ago, the girls still love them}

Our Back to School Feast is one of my favorite traditions.
My hope & prayer for my girls this school year is that they are Brave.
During our dinner, we talk about our theme and discuss ways they can "Be Brave" this school year.
Claire said she can be brave this year by not being scared to go to school.
She can be brave this year by befriending the new girls in her class.
Claire wants to be brave this year when learning how to read even if it is hard.
 Kate said she could be brave this year by saying hi to people even when she is shy.
She can be be brave by playing with new friends at recess.
And, would you believe this....we couldn't believe Kate's homework folder cover that was sent home last week....her class has the same theme that our family has! What are the chances?!?! Kevin, Kate & I couldn't believe it!

So, this year, I pray that my girls are Brave.
 I pray that they re Brave and show love to fellow classmates.
I pray they are Brave and go to to school without being afraid or anxious.
 I pray they are Brave when learning new things, even when it's hard.
I pray they show kindness & goodness to their classmates & teachers and that they are brave and stand up to bullies or kids who are being mean to other kids.
 I pray they are brave even if they don't feel like they have anyone to play with.....and that they are brave if they see someone playing by themself, I pray they are brave enough to be a friend to those in need.
 I pray they are brave in class and stay on task and not be distracted even if other students around them are.
My hope is that I am also brave this school year....with my students, with my students parents, with my co-workers.
This is a big school year....Common Core has officially launched into our schools.
I pray that I can be brave with the new curriculum.
I pray that I can be brave with my classroom management and with disciplining my students (my least favorite part of teaching...why can't kids just obey the rules?!?!)
I pray that I can be brave and try out new activities and lessons to better engage my students.

I also pray I can be brave with my Rodan + Fields business. 
I earned an all expense paid trip to the Rodan + Fields Convention in Atlanta. 
It is next week and I am feeling anxious about leaving my family for 4 days. I know that it is a no-brainer for me to go since it it is a free trip.
I am so excited I earned it & so excited to go, and I know it will be a blast, but I would appreciate prayers to calm my heart,  I have never been gone from my family for that long.
And, pray for Kevin....he will be by himself with all 3 kids for 4 days!
He is Brave!

Happy Back to School, Friends!
Do you have a Back to School Theme or goal for your kids?
Hope your new school year is going smoothly!


  1. Oh! I just love this!! Your girls picked the perfect theme and the perfect dinner ;).

  2. I love this! This goes for my boys too. Both started a brand new school. Be Brave! Have a great time in Atlanta and don't forget the sweet tea at Cracker Barrel!

  3. I LOVE that your themes matched up! What ARE the chances?! The Winnie the Pooh quote is the same one that my mom gave to me 12 years ago on day one of my job. I could sure use it right now MAJOR...with my family, my "new job", go on that trip and rock it because you deserve it! You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem! Kevin will take care of the homefront and God will take care of you! xoxo

  4. What a great message and focus for the new school year! Great job!

  5. I love your theme! And the Winnie the Pooh quote is a favorite of mine.
    I always look forward to our back to school dinner every year...

  6. We have had Common Core for three years now and would you believe that the state is already voting in November on whether they will discontinue them and replace them with something new?! Grr. I don't really care what they use, I can adapt to anything. But quit changing it so often! So you may have to be brave in trying the standards only to have them on the outs in a couple of years ha.

  7. You are such a good momma. Lucky little girls.

  8. Love this, Mel. I totally teared up when I saw "Be Brave" and read the Pooh quote on her folder! Oh my heart! Love your girlies. Happy Back-to-School.

  9. I love this! Such a fun idea for the girls. Love the Be Brave theme too
    Way to go on earning the trip. Go and Enjoy!!! The crew will be just fine for a few days :)

  10. I love your back to school feasts, and this year's theme is so perfect for starting fresh with a new year! ...And you're coming to Atlanta?!! I'm sure you're probably packed with R+F events but gosh It would be fun to meet for a second! We're so close to downtown! Hope it's a great weekend for you!

  11. Mel,
    I love reading your blog here in the UK. What a fantastic idea. I hope you won't mind, but I am a Primary School Headteacher,( Elementary School Principal), and I would love to use this idea in my school as part of our welcome back to school parents, pupils and teacher evening.

    Annette - UK

  12. I love, love, LOVE this tradition that you all have started. I think it is such a great way for you all to start the school year on a positive and fun note. The idea of helping the kids start the school year in a positive way with the theme of the dinner melted my heart. I hope your daughter was able to come out of her shell a little and say hi to people (that put a huge smile on my face!!). As a teacher, I wish more parents would take the time to put their students on the right path for a great school year. :) :)
