

Blogoversary Winners, End of Summer, 12 years, 40 years and 6.0

What a whirlwind this past week has been.
School started today (more on that later this week!)
Last week was spent in my classroom getting things ready for school and also trying to soak up every last minute of Summer with my kiddos.
So, obviously, blogging was not a priority last week!
 And, I can't believe I haven't announced the winners of my 6 year Blogoversary Giveaway!
Here they are:

Giveaway #1
Bip & Bop  $50 Shop Credit Winner is:
If you didn't win, you can still support Bip & Bop here:
Giveaway #2
Number Banner from CM Handmade Winner is:
If you didn't win, you can still support CM Handmade here:
Blog * Shop * Facebook * Instagram

Giveaway #3:
  $25 shop credit to Geo Fox Apparel Winner is:
If you didn't win, you can still support Geo Fox Apparel here:
Shop * Facebook * Instagram 
Giveaway #4:

A pair of Hello Moccs Winner is:
Lee G.
If you didn't win, you can still support  Hello Moccs here:

Giveaway #5
$100 Shop Credit to Serendipity Hill Studio winner is:
  Ashley P.
If you didn't win, you can still support Serendipity Hill here:

Giveaway #6
Ruby Pendant necklace from Rebekah Gough Jewelry winner is:

If you didn't win, you can still support Rebekah Gough here: 
Giveaway #7
 30 Day Insanity The Asylum Workout DVD Series Winner is:
Emily K.
If you didn't win, you can still support Haus of Girls Fit Family here:
Giveaway #8
$50 Shop Credit to Crystal Faye Winner is:
If you didn't win, you can still support Crystal Faye here:

Giveaway #9
$25 Shop Credit to She Does Justice winner is:
Sharon K.

If you didn't win, you can still support She Does Justice here:
Giveaway #10
Rodan +Fields Sunless Tanner Winner is:
Lindsay W.
If you didn't win, you can get R+F Sunless Tanner and other products {HERE}
 Congrats to all the winners! 
Please leave a comment with your email so I can get in touch with you about your prize!
And, again, if you didn't win, please support these amazing women & small business owners!
I also have 2 other giveaways going on right now!
$100 American Express Giftcard Giveaway {HERE}
$100 Visa Giftcard Giveaway {HERE}
Here is a sneak peak about what we have been up to the past week
We had a Kindergarten playdate at the splash pad for Claire:
Helped some of our friends move into a house less than a mile from ours:
 Went to the circus:
Kevin started on a house project.....Demo of our current Fireplace. Nothing like starting a home reno project the last week of summer. Yikes!!
Completed the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge:
I read my final book of the summer...(I finished it in 1 day....SO good!!)
Drank a lot of coffee getting amped up for Back to School...thanks for the wisdom Oprah:
I dragged my kids to my classroom for several hours so I could get things organized for this week:
Not only was last week the last week of Summer, but Kevin and I celebrated our 12 wedding Anniversary!
Our actual anniversary was yesterday, but we decided to celebrate it on Saturday night instead.
(Having a date night on a Sunday night before the 1st day of school would not be relaxing!)
For our date night, we did one of our favorite things.....rode our cruisers downtown for drinks & dinner! 
 Gotta love a selfie while riding a bike. #skills :)
Yummy drinks:
Pork Chop & Balsamic Glazed Peaches....YUM.
 Filet Mignon. So good. YUM.
 Creme Brulee for dessert. Amazing.
 Love date nights. Can't believe this was our first date night of the entire summer...and it was on the last night of summer.
And here we were 12 years earlier. Babies!
Kevin and I share an anniversary with my parents! They celebrated their 40th anniversary on Sunday!
Here is a little flashback to their wedding day in 1974:
 After our date night on Saturday night at 3:20 in the morning to an Earthquake. It was a BIG one.
One of the biggest ones we have had since 1989. It was a 6.0 Earthquake. It lasted a looong time. 
Ugh. Earthquakes are no fun. The epicenter of the quake was right outside Napa, and it hit Napa hard.
Here is a photo from one of my friends who owns several restruants in our town and he has 1  restaurant in Napa.
 This is a photo he posted on FB showing some damage to his Napa Restaurant....all of their wine....crashed to the floor.
Ironically, we were at one of his restaurants just hours before on our date night!
Lots of prayers for those in Napa, there was tons of damage throughout Napa because of this Earthquake.
So there you have it....a random recap of our last week.
School started today & we are trying to get back into the swing of things!
I can't believe summer is actually over. 
It was one of the fastest summers yet.
Have your kids started school yet?


  1. I'm so excited that I won! Thanks you so much! My email is (I'm one of your R and F customers!).

  2. So glad you guys are okay after the quake! That's scary stuff right there. Congrats on 12 years!

  3. Congrats on 12 years!

    hmmm...I'm Lindsay W. also...and one of your R+F customers. haha! if it was me that won here's my email also... :)

  4. Another thing that we have in common - my parents also were married 40 years ago! Their anniversary is in two weeks on 9/8, which is also my 37th birthday. :D

    So glad you guys are okay and did not sustain any damage.

    My kids have been back at school for three weeks - Alabama starts pretty early and Tennessee started on July 31! But they get long breaks throughout the year.

    Happy Anniversary! It goes without saying that couples who were married in 2002 are the coolest. ;)

  5. Ooo, I hope the winner "Paige" is me Paige. If so, I'm at Good luck this week! Teachers are the best! My mom taught 5th grade for 35 years! My oldest boy is starting 3rd grade and my baby is starting Kindergarten! Tears!

  6. Congrats on your anniversary. I heard about the earthquake. I hope everyone recovers quickly.

  7. Yay I think I won giveaway #5 the $100 shop credit to Serendipity Hill!!

    I heard about that earthquake how scary! Glad you am. Your family are safe!! Happy 12th Anniversary!

    1. Not sure if I was the winner or not, just checking in since I haven't heard anything.

  8. Yay, I finally won one of your giveaways after following you for 2 years :) PS Happy Anniversary and again Happy Blogaversary!

  9. i love that you share an anniversary with your special! happy anniversary to y'all!

  10. Did I seriously win something?!? Emily K, If it's me, it's Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!!

  11. I think I won the Bip and Bop giveaway!!

  12. I never heard anything about the prize above? Am I Emily K who won or no? Thanks! :)
