

Our 2014 Backyard Garden {One Month}

I thought I do an update on our Garden! 
I can't believe how much it has grown so much in a little over a month.
Click {HERE} to see what it looked like when we first planted.
And, now here it is:
Here is Box #1:
 My favorite part of this box is all my lettuce:
 So fun to go out to my garden before dinner time and pick some lettuce for our dinner salad!
Box #2:
 This box is 4 varieties of cherry tomatoes, a yellow squash plant & zucchini plant.
 I was shocked last week when I went out to water my garden. I couldn't believe that my zucchini and squash were growing & ready to pick!
And, some cherry tomatoes growing!
Box #3 is 5 Early Girl Tomato Plants
 Excited to see some green tomaotes growing!
 They probably won't turn red for another month or so. Can't wait!
 Here is my first harvest from the 2014 Garden at 1 month:
 I have tons of Zucchini recipes, but I don't have any yellow squash recipes, so last night I just cut some up, tossed them with olive oil, salt, pepper & Italian seasoning and roasted them at 425 for about 20 minutes.
 Then, I tossed them with some angel hair pasta, basil from my garden, and cut up some cherry tomatoes and tossed that with more olive oil.
It was a perfect & light Summertime Dinner last night (paired with a glass of Chardonnay, of course!)

 Other recipes I make with zucchini are:

  and my favorite (and what I am making for dinner tomorrow night) 
Does anyone have any yellow squash recipes? 
I have about 4 more in my garden that I need to pick and want to make something with them! 
I would love your ideas!

This is one of my favorite parts of Summer....planning & making meals around fresh fruits & veggies!


  1. Goodness girl! You always have THE MOST AMAZING yard! I get inspired every year!

  2. Mel, we make zucchini pasta noodles with ours, here's how:

    It's delicious! My kids can't even tell they're eating zucchini instead of legit pasta. Maybe that means my sauce is just that good. :-)

  3. Your garden is so beautiful! Congratulations on all the fresh produce and pretty lettuce. :)

  4. Your garden looks amazing! Your 2013 garden totally inspired me to give it a try this year. Fingers crossed it turns out even a fraction as good as yours.

  5. I kinda hate you right now :) Just walked outside to water zucchini & the dog had eaten EVERYTHING....Time to start over!!!

  6. We have a "spiralizer" - actually the "Paderno World Cuisine A4982799 Tri-Blade Plastic Spiral Vegetable Slicer" We make spaghetti with it. We toss it with garlic and olive oil, garlic, olive oil, and shrimp, pesto, etc for a filling yet light meal. We love it.

  7. So besides the pool, I definitely want to build a garden now too! ;) LOVE the recipes you shared and can't wait to try them out! Especially the zucchini chocolate chip muffins! Yum!

  8. A good easy squash recipe is to saute it with garlic and olive oil for 5-10 minutes, until tender, remove from heat, sprinkle with bacon bits and parmesan! Delish!

  9. Oh man, I so need a garden for that yummy looking lettuce and cherry tomatoes! Delish!

  10. So random but where did you find that Veggie drying rack in the sink??

  11. You always have such a wonderful garden. I had wanted to plant one this year in our new home but time just got away from me.
    I love yellow squash. One way I cook it is slice and dip in egg and panko bread crumbs and then bake. This is a yummy side dish.

  12. google the recipe for some good ol' southern yellow squash casserole :) Its not healthy, (lots of butter and cream!) but oh so good!
