

First Day of School + Back to School Feast 2013

Last week we all went back to school.
I am not going to lie, the past week has kicked my butt.
New schedule at school, new Common Core curriculum, a modified block schedule & different pick up times for the girls.
Lots of planning, lots of driving around. Phew!
But, I am taking each day one day at a time!

Kate really wanted these cat shoes. I gave in. They gave her blisters. Lovely.

She was so excited about getting a real backpack.

Kevin had the great idea to take MY picture of the 1st day of school.
Why do the kids get all the 1st day photos? ;)

My dress // My shoes

This year marks my 10th year of teaching!!!! Can't believe it's been that long!

Both girls got really awesome teachers. I am thrilled. They are loving school so far.

We are a week into school and so far, so good.
Both girls love going to school and look forward to it each day.

 Ever since Kate started preschool, we have done a Back to School Feast to kick off the school year.
This is one of my favorite traditions!
Back to School Feast {2010}
Back to School Feast {2011}
Back to School Feast {2012}

We pick a theme for the year for the kids to focus on.

This year, our theme is:

The girls each wear crowns during dinner.

 This year, I used these felt crowns that the girls got from their friend Maddie's party a few years ago.

I found this adorable printable {here} that I downloaded for free.

The girls love Breakfast for Dinner, so I served foods that had FRUIT in them to go along with our theme.

The table outside:
Place settings were apples with our names stamped on library cards:
ABC flashcards as "bunting"

The food. YUM. So good.

Dessert was Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins for the kids:

I made Mixed Berry Cobblers in mason jars for Kevin & I:
Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. YUM.
Our Back to School Feast is one of my favorite traditions.
My hope & prayer for my girls this school year is that they do have the Fruit of the Spirit.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control"  Galatians 5:22-23
I pray that they show love to fellow classmates.
I pray they show up each day to school with joy, ready to learn.
I pray they have patience with homework.
I pray they show kindness & goodness to their classmates & teachers.
I pray they show gentleness to kids who are mean to them.
 I pray they have self-control in class and stay on task and not be distracted.

Actually my hope is that I also have the Fruit of the Spirit this school year....with my students, with my students parents, with my co-workers, with my kiddos and with husband.
There is a reason I teach in the public school system, I know I am here for a reason and I pray I can be the fruit of the Spirit to those around me.

Happy Back to School, Friends!
Hope your new school year is going smoothly!


  1. Where is Kate's dress from? I know my little one would love it!

  2. Can I come next year to your feast? I'm now craving breakfast food and I just ate lunch! I hope you guys have another wonderful week of school! XOXO

  3. Such a fun tradition Mel. I too am into traditions...Friday night pizza, root beer floats the night before school starts... I hope that my kiddos will look back on these traditions with a smile when they are older.

    Love that you took a first day of school picture!! Why not it was your first day of school as well.

  4. That's so awesome, Mel! What a fun idea! I need to remember to do something like that next year :)

  5. I like Luke's little, "Now what are we celebrating again?" look on his face!

  6. This is FANTASTIC! I wish you were my mom!! Ha! Just kidding, but its evident that your sweet family is a treasure to you and you to them! Great Job, Mom!

  7. Uhm, you are gorgeous. And your feast looks amazing (and fun!).

  8. Trust me- you will grow to LOVE the modified block! It's my favorite schedule :) All the best during this crazy time.

  9. My kids all started common core this year too....the teachers seem a little anxious about it, though.

    I love the pics, love you, love everything!!

  10. I love the fruit of the Spirit feast! You are the best mom! Hope the rest of your back-to-school week goes smoothly!

  11. i absolutely LOVE this idea. what a fun tradition. i love how you took a time that can be stressful (even though it's fun and exciting) and made it into a family tradition that your kids will always remember. and such a cute theme. i am totally copying you next year! i wish i would have seen this two weeks ago!

  12. I just love this! So awesome! And you look fantastic!

  13. Hey! I love your 1st day if school dress! Where did you get it?

  14. Such a sweet tradition! I love it! You're kids are going to remember these sweet times when they're older. :) You're such a good mama!

    Hope you're school kiddos are good this year! One more day til the weekend! :)


  15. You are the fruit of the spirit to so many! Thank you for modeling His word.


  16. Cute! I make a celebratory breakfast the day of. More about my daughter's first day of school here


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