

Twas the Night Before the 1st Day of School

Twas the Night Before the 1st Day of School and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring (expect for me).
But, I'm too anxious, nervous, excited and tired to rhyme or write a poem.
 I'm a Math Teacher. I don't write poetry.
Sorry ;)

In less than 8 hours we have a our 1st day of School.
And, I can't sleep.
I have the 1st Day of School Jitters/Excitement.
10 years into this teaching gig and they don't go away.

 In fact, I was that kid that never slept the night before the First Day of School because I was just too excited.  That is because I think it’s some kind of holiday!  Like Christmas, you have all new things to play with; new supplies to work with, new folders and binders to organize, new books to read, new shoes, new clothes, new teachers, new classmates, new stuff to learn!  Yes, I was that student (and now I am that teacher) It is one of the reasons I became a teacher; I LOVE SCHOOL.

And, I am on both sides of the spectrum this year.
I have 1st day jitters for myself and also have them for my girls.
Will my students like me? Will they respond to my classroom management?
Will my girls listen to their teachers? Will they make new friends?
So much excitement & anticipation.

The girls have picked out their "1st Day of School Outfits"
They are hanging in their rooms (just like I used to do as a kid)
 Who am I kidding? I still do this with my clothes.
 My outfit is picked out & hanging up as well.

Lunches are packed.
 Coffee is made & on automatic timer for the morning.
My alarm is set.
My back up alarm is set.
My back up back up alarm is set.
(Totally paranoid. I have had way too many showing up for school nightmares)

 We met the girls' teachers this afternoon and I could not be more thrilled with them.
They are both awesome. I am feeling great about this school year for them.

My classroom is ready-ish. 
Can you ever really be ready for 135 7th graders? Ha!
 I have spent almost everyday the past 10 days at school either setting up my room or going to meetings.
I have a fun new First Day of School Activity that I am looking forward to doing with my classes.
I've never done a 1st Day activity like this, hoping it goes well!
I have some really fun ideas planned for my classes this year.
 My brain is on A-D-D overload. 
I can't stop thinking about things to do with my classes. My brain won't turn off.

It is going to be a big year of change at my school.
We are switching to a modified block schedule.
We created an Advisory period for every student & teacher.
We are implementing the new Common Core Standards, so almost everything we have done in years past is getting re-vamped. 

I don't do so well with change, but I am actually really, really excited about some of these changes.
Especially the change in my schedule. I dropped a class and I am teaching 1 less class than I have in years past.
I am excited to be done earlier in the day and be around more for my kids.
I will be able to pick up both girls from school each day...something I haven't ever been able to do.

It's going to be a good year.
I enter my 10th year of teaching tomorrow.
(Didn't I just graduate college? Where does time go?) 

To all my teacher friends....Good Luck!
To all my friends dropping off their kids at school....Your kids will be taken care of!
2013-2014 School Year....Bring it On!


  1. We are so much alike, Mel! Wishing you and your girls the very best first day! That's so great about the modified schedule and being able to have a little more time with your family! =)

    I'm a little nervous today, but that's because I've never had to get all 4 out the door before 7:20 before...yikes! Guess I'd better get off the computer already, ha!

  2. I hope you have the very best day!! Good luck and lots of love!

  3. Hope you and the girls have a fabulous day!

  4. Have a great first day! You seem like such a fun teacher! Love that!

  5. Good luck! I know you will have an amazing year! And YAY for getting to pick up the girls! (and see Luke earlier, too!)

  6. those outfits look precious! good luck...I know you'll be fabulous, and what a blessing to be able to pick up your girls!

  7. Love their first day of school outfits!
    Hope you have a wonderful day today as well!

  8. Happy 1st Day of school!! Always a favorite memory of mine - up until my last sememster of College :)

  9. Happy first day of school! Love your daughters cat flats!

  10. hope it was a great one!! Year 10 has been my best one yet. :)

  11. I just started my 10th year teaching 8th grade!

    HOW in the WORLD did you drop a class, and still have 135?

  12. I hope you had a great first day! I loved school too, just not enough to want to teach {although my sister was a teacher and now I'm a teacher's wife- ha!}. I wish you had shown your first day outfit too! :-)

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