

10 on 10 :: July 2013

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button
July 10th....Here we are.
Summer is just going by way too quickly. 
Kate wanted to make her breakfast on her own, so she dragged out a chair, got out bread, put it in the toaster & then put jam on it. Then she did the same for Claire! So self reliant at 6 years old!
 The harvest from my garden. Tomatoes & Cucumbers galore! It's pathetic how happy homegrown veggies make me.

 My lunch. Turkey with a laughing cow cheese, homegrown tomatoes & cucumbers with some pepper on a sandwich thin. And, iced tea. Yum
Getting gas. It's only $4 a gallon....for the low grade. UGH.
Trader Joes. Luke likes checking out all the people.
 Fro Yo. I bribed them with it while we ran errands.
 Playdate/Swimdate with friends. So much more relaxing now that our kids can swim!
 I rallied late last night & got Luke's invites made and then printed today. I LOVE how they turned out! Here is a sneak peek:
Hope you had a great 10th. Next month on the 10th, I will have a ONE year old!!!


  1. I featured veggies on my 10 in 10 AND we have the same place mats! TJ MAxx?;) Please stop bu if you get a minute.:) Lori

  2. Oh my that sandwich looks so yummy!!

  3. My baby's only 2 months old, but I'm already thinking about her first birthday..and your invites! :)


  4. Go Kate! I'm pretty sure my little brother or sister couldn't make toast or cereal till they were like 12. Haha!

  5. I'm so jealous of your tomatoes. We've had so much rain these past few weeks that all our tomatoes are still green. :(

  6. I love Luke's invites!
    I can't wait to see all the plans you have up your sleeve for his party :)

  7. My 3-year-old little girl loves to climb in the crib with my 9-month-old little boy : )

    The invites look super cute, can't wait to see what you have planned!
