

What I Love about Summer

Oh, Summer. 
How I love you. 
Let me count the ways.

1. No more alarm clock (for 9 more weeks!!!!)
{Yes, I only wake up at 6:45 during the school year. I am night owl & go to bed at midnight. Our kids don't get up until about 7-7:30. I have to be at work at 8 & live 2 minutes away, so I don't need that much time to get ready in the morning. Kevin does the whole morning routine & drop off with the kids.  Although, Luke has been waking up around 6-6:30 several mornings a week for the past month.}

2. No more packing lunches  (And all the other stuff needed for the kids & school)
{What I got ready each night/morning as I left for school....My breastpump, laptop/school bag, Kate's lunch, my lunch, my coffee, Luke's bottle & food}
3.  No picking out clothes the night before
My girls are so picky & opinonated about their clothes, so during the school year, we have to pick them out the night before to avoid total meltdowns in the mornings. Such a pain. I don't care what they wear in the summer. Whatever they want. Pick it out yourself.

4. Lazy days with no schedule.  
 We don't have ANY activities this summer except a week of VBS and week in Tahoe. In years past, we have had swim lessons 3 days a week, but this year? Wide open schedule!

5. Less Laundry (since all they wear bathing suits pretty much everyday)

6. Less Dishes (since we use the grill  & BBQ almost everyday) and Eating meals outside!!
{Lettuce from our garden}

7. Eating fresh fruit & veggies...especially tomatoes from our garden!!!)

8.  Swimming.....everyday.
9. Impromptu playdates with friends/neighbors and having court time.
Love that we can have friends over or go play with friends during summer. Love that our court all hangs out some nights until it gets dark while the adults drink wine & the kids ride bikes. Bedtime? Not really enforced during the summer! Just keep playing until the sun goes down.

10.  A cleaner house.  
Since I am off work in the summer, we go more places and aren't home as much. But, even when we are home, I have time to pick up the little messes here and there. Since the weather is so nice in the summer, we are usually playing outstide or swimming. The inside of our house is a lot more tidy in the summer.

There are other things.....I don't have to work for 9 weeks and I just get to spend time with my family! And, wearing flip flops everyday :)

So HAPPY Summer is HERE!
Summer ROCKS!

What's your favorite part about summer?


  1. I cannot wait to not pack lunches. 8 more days!!!

  2. Nothing! Not one thing! (I live in AZ and work full time so kids still have to go to "school"). :)

    But I am sooooo jealous of your summer weather and (non) schedule!!

  3. There's definitely a social adjustment that comes with our oldest being home from school every day, so once we get passed that, I love being able to be outside and let them just do their thing! Our youngest is almost 3, and she keeps up with her sisters really well. It's actually getting to be more fun and less stressful to take them to the park :)

  4. 10 weeks! Summer is 10 weeks, not 9! You keep stressing me out by writing 9. Phew!

  5. I am jealous that your house is cleaner in the summer! Mine seems to be more dirty because the kids are home more. I am having to learn how to un-clench about that. Just today Cooper asked me, "Why are you cleaning? No one is coming over." I told him that I preferred to not live in chaos. ;D

  6. Love this list, I am sure I will love all these things when I am a Mom too, right now, I am loving the less dishes for summer too :)

  7. I love all of your things!! I noticed the other day that my laundry consisted of only pjs and swimsuits...fabulous! And your garden...gorgeous! Happy summer to you mama!

  8. My boys are in year round school so we only get 4 weeks in summer. I think I will have to do a post about what I love about track outs (when they are out of school)!

  9. One of my (silly) favorite things about summer--related directly to the less laundry statement--no matching up socks!!! No socks are worn in our home (other than for sports) from April through September. Can I get an amen?!?! YAY for summer...for SO many reasons!

  10. Sounds like you have a nice little summer plan!! For some reason our summer seems very schedule this year. We have lots of things going on. Next summer will be the summer of nothing for us!!
