

The 2013 Summer List

For the past 4 summers the girls & I have created a Summer List of things we want to do!
It helps me be intentional with the girls and do what they want to do.
If we have an unscheduled day (like most days in the summer) and they say they are "bored" we can look at our list and decide on what to do that day!
I let the girls pick the items for the summer list, I have no input what so ever. 
I love hearing what they want to do.
Kate wanted to make her own summer "picture" list with pictures of everything she wanted to do.
 Of course, Claire wanted to make her own as well.
Here is Kate's finished list in pictures:
And, here is the official 2013 Summer List:
Here is my summer list of things *I* want to get done:

1. Finish Claire's 1st year Baby Book.
(I made an awesome book for Kate's 1st year and haven't finished Claire's yet...she will be FIVE in September and she keeps asking where her book is. YIKES.)

2. Start Luke's 1st year Baby Book
(Don't want the 3rd kid to be without one for 5 years like Claire. Ha!)

3. Finish my 40 bags in 40 days project
(Almost done, just need to finish)

4. Luke's Birthday Party & 1 year photo shoot.
(Can't believe my baby is turning ONE!!! Tears)

5. Read 5 books.
(I downloaded a bunch of free ones for the Kindle yesterday. Just search on Amazon!)

We've already crossed off making jam & going to frozen yogurt!
Do you have a summer list? What are looking forward to doing this summer?


  1. What free books did you download? And you inspired me with this post last year, so my daughter and I made one a few weeks ago. Have fun checking the boxes!

  2. what a perfect summer list!
    I am curious what pink bagels are :)

  3. How Fun!! I might have to do this with my girls, what a great idea for them to draw pictures too I love it!

  4. I love this idea! I'm totally doing it today with my kids!!

  5. I love this idea! One of my best friends does this every year. She's been doing it for years. Even when she was single. Her items include: support the kids of America by stopping at lemonade stands! Super fun. Summer is only 6 wks here in Scotland. Kids aren't even out of school yet. The weather isn't that great but I need to make a list like this to do fun things with my son. We need some summer fun!

  6. We make a summer fun list each year as well. The first few years the list was a bit crazy now we have clamed it down a bit. I love Kate's list! I am sure it really made her feel part of the fun. We have a lot of the same things on our list including Six Flags.
    Have fun with your list. :)

  7. oh my gosh, Colin did that to me. He kept asking where his book was. I felt so terrible. I finally finished it for his 4th birthday. I still want to do another but I was happy to get it done and oh my the look on his face was priceless - huge smile!!!

    We did a bucket list too. They each had to put their own stamp on it. E made suns and Colin put easter egg stickers. Ha! Don't ask.

  8. I don't see "Go to Sacramento" on there... I'm sure it's on page 2... :)

  9. I just posted our summer list today too! Your girls have some great ideas. I may have to add to our list. Here's ours:

  10. we did a summer list for the first time this year!

  11. This is a great idea! This might be our last summer without kids and I would love to do this!

    I like the idea of posting it up somewhere that you can see it, instead of just talking about it and never doing it.
