

What Saturday Mornings Look Like

Saturday mornings *might* be my most favorite time of the week.
I think this is because both Kevin & I are working parents, so Saturday mornings symbolize sleeping later and not having any where to go.
We LOVE unscheduled Saturday mornings. 
In the Fall, Kate played soccer, so for a few weeks, she had games on Saturday mornings.
This Spring she played T-Ball, so for the past couple months have had games on Saturday mornings. 
But now, the season is over, so we are back to our regularly scheduled lazy Saturday mornings & I love them. I cherish these lazy Saturday mornings and I know when my kids are grown, I will look back on these Saturdays with fondness.

Here is what our lazy Saturdays look like....
It really starts off on Friday night, when Kevin & I set up the girls cereal on the kitchen table.
On Friday night we set out a bowl of cereal for each of the girls.
 We started doing this about a year ago & it has bought us at least another 30 minutes of sleep on Saturday mornings. 
In the fridge, we have 2 glasses of milk poured so that in the morning they can reach their milk & pour it into their cereal. (We aren't winning any Parents of the Year awards here....but this is what we do)
After the girls have their cereal, they usually come back upstairs & jump in our bed. We watch Yard Crashers. They love it & so do we!
 Then, Luke usually wakes up, so I nurse him. After I finish nursing, we all head downstairs.
While he snacks on Cheerios, the coffee is brewing.
Coffee. My BFF.  Can't function without it.
(LOVE my Anthropologie mug. LOVE.

On Saturday mornings, I like to make fun breakfasts, like cinnamon rolls, coffee cake or my Monkey Bread.
 My helpers:
Kevin is usually in the backyard mowing the lawn or doing yard work:
While the fun breakfast is in the oven, we watch The Pioneer Woman. 
The girls LOVE this show. They call it "Charlie The Ranch Dog"
I *try* to catch up on laundry on Saturdays, so there is always a load of clean laundry on the couch that I fold while we watch.
Love these lazy mornings.
Monkey Bread ready to eat.
After we eat our "Fun" Breakfast, the girls usually color.
I know once the kids are older we won't have lazy Saturday mornings like this because we will have activities, sports, etc.
Our Saturday mornings in the Summertime look a little different, we usually walk or ride bikes downtown to Starbucks, the bagel shop or the Farmers Market. 

  I really do cherish these lazy Saturdays during the school year when we have no morning plans & can spend the morning at home in our pj's :)

Hope you are having a great Saturday & having a great start to the 3 day weekend. 
I am thankful for those who sacrificed their lives protecting our country.

What do your Saturday mornings usually look like?

I am LOVING all your responses/votes on this post for what dress I should wear to the wedding next month. 
I will ABSOLUTELY let you guys know which ones I order. Maybe I will try them on & have you vote on the finalists :)
This morning I saw this one that is now almost half off. I might need to add it to the list! 
I'm going order dresses later on this weekend! Thanks for your input!


  1. That new dress may be my favorite!

  2. I love this little snippet of your life! It makes me want to join you on a Saturday morning--especially with the monkey bread :)

    floral & fudge

  3. I love lazy Saturday's, too! I really love the new dress, too! It may top all the others!

  4. Loved this! I will have to do one of my own. I like the new dress the best. You would rock that color.

  5. My kids are older, so we typically have Soccer or baseball. We usually do cinnamon rolls or blueberry muffins or biscuits. Something other than cereal or poptarts like during the week! And I watch the VH1 count down on Saturday morning before the kids wake up and turn on Spongebob :)

  6. The new dress is amazing!!!

  7. I love lazy Saturday mornings as well. Guess what we had for breakfast.... Homemade monkey bread and I thing it is your recipe.:)

  8. Love Saturday mornings, they are my fave! I have posts about them :) I haven't documented any in a while and need to! The pic of Kevin is funny-kinda looks like a yard crashers photo! BTW, Erik usually has Fox News on at night for the TV timer, but since the house it's either DIY or HGTV ;) As for the dress, we didn't talk about that yesterday, but even with this new one you posted, still the Nordy's #4, hands down!

  9. That cereal idea is fantastic! Totally copying when my girl is older.

  10. I love the new purple dress! Definitely add that to your list!

  11. Cute Post :) I had that same Anthro mug! Funny - not so funny story. I was in the bathroom just about to get in the shower - holding my cup to get one last sip before I got in and the cup broke away from the handle. I was left holding just the stem and the cup part crashed everywhere - you cannot image how much coffee is in a cup until its ALL over your bathroom. Not to mention I tried to catch it and it cut my other hand. Can you imagine that at 5:30 a.m.??? Happy Memorial Day!

  12. I am new to your blog and just love it!! you have a precious family, and we are alot alike, ie...we both love fall, I live in Texas and fall has a hard time getting here, so frustrating! My BD and anniversary are in Oct. but I have always loved it! I also love to celebrate all the holidays! and of course love of coffee, glad I found your blog! Happy Memorial Day!

  13. The cereal set out the night before and milk in a cup in the fridge? Genius. So doing that. Saturdays ARE the best. :)

  14. New follower from the blog hop! I love The Pioneer Woman, too.

  15. i love lazy saturday mornings.
    once soccer is finished ours are usually lazy, too.
    when soccer starts again i am SO sad when those lazy mornings come to an end.

    fun fact: my BIL is the electrician on a lot of yard crashers, house crashers, bath crashers.
    if you ever see a heavily tattooed new yorker, that's him!

    also...your cute helper girls are getting really, really big.


  16. I look forward to lazy Saturday mornings with our kiddos one day! And I too love yard crashers, monkey bread, and my anthropology mug! ;) ...Only a few more weeks til you're out for summer too! :)

