

Cleaning with Kids

I had big plans last week during Spring Break to finish up my 40 Bags in 40 Days project.
I figured I would get tons done because I didn't have to work & I would be able to spend at least an hour or 2 each day on my list.  


Yeah. Let's just say, my plan on getting things cleaned out was a bust.
This comic is spot on.
Guess how many bags/areas I got cleaned out last week?
Zero. Nada. Zilch.


  1. Ha ha, this is the story of my life! Heather

  2. I have seen this comic before and couldn't agree more. The other day I wanted to clean the house as a surprise for my hubby. Well, it took all day just to get one level done and that was with telling my two girls that we were cleaning for daddy all day. He was still surprised if that tells you anything! :)

  3. Ha! The comic is perfect. But, I'm sure you spent wonderful, quality time with your littles and made great memories!

  4. Couldn't agree more! I saw a cute saying once that said "Cleaning with kids around is like brushing your teeth while eating oreos." So true!

  5. Ha, you are soooo right! That's why I finally bit the bullet and hired a maid to come once a month to do the cleaning. That way I can try and handle the cleanout stuff.

  6. so.true. ha! i feel like a lunatic most of the time trying to keep up with the house and homeschooling! its seems impossible but i try to give myself grace and remind myself that one day all too soon they will be grown and gone and i'll have more time than i can imagine to clean and cater to my ocd ways! =)

  7. I hear ya! I had a list of only 4 things that I wanted to do on spring break. I got 1 done in 7 days. Pathetic. And spring cleaning? Yeah, that didn't happen. I was so much more productive before babies!
