

Tuesday Randomness + A Winner

It's Tuesday & I'm feeling random.
Actually, I am feeling better.
I had a fever all weekend. 
I even had it yesterday, but I still went to school because I have no more sick days this year (I used them all for my maternity leave). 
But, honestly, it is such a pain getting a sub, I would have had to go in and make lesson plans anyways, so it's just easier to suffer through the school day & teach even when you don't feel good.
I went to bed Sunday night & had the chills and hot fever flashes. 
When I woke up Monday morning, I still had the chills, so I took the hottest shower ever (which isn't good when you have a fever, but I was so cold, but hot at the same time) 
When I got to school, my body was mad. During 1st period, my fever finally broke, I was sweating profusely. I had the door to my classroom open so that the cold winter air would cool off my classroom. I was a hot mess. My students were freezing. Good times. Ha! 
The good news is my fever is gone, but my cough & sinus pressure is still here. 

 He has been sleeping 8-10 hours a NIGHT. Without waking up!!!
The girls were HORRIBLE sleepers. Didn't do that until 10 months (Claire) and 11 months (Kate).
The only thing I have done differently? Stopped stressing about it.
With the girls I was DETERMINED to get them on a schedule, blah, blah, blah.
I read every sleep book known to man with the girls.
With Luke, I was trying to get him on a schedule at 4 months because he was on track to be a horrible sleeper (in fact he was worse than the girls at that age) 
Finally, I just decided to give up on the schedule, he is the 3rd kid, we are on the go more, he isn't going to have a schedule, I am not going to worry about it, he probably won't sleep through until he is 10/11 months old,  etc, etc, etc. 
And, then...the craziest thing happened. He figured it out on his own & started sleeping through every night and has been doing this for almost a month.

Also, I have been having so much fun looking at all the outfits you guys linked up with Pin-Spired!
Over 30 people have linked up so far & you can add your links until this Friday!
I have pinned several outfits from what YOU guys linked up!!
If you didn't participate this month, we will be doing it the 1st of each month, so get ready to link up in a few weeks on March 1st!

The winner of the Printable Everything Kit is #2.......
Congrats, Shelly!!!!
Leave me your email and I will get you in touch with Jenny!

If you didn't win, be sure and check out Jenny's Etsy Shop HERE, you can buy your own!
You can even buy just the pages you want, they are only $3 each! 
What a deal! Thanks Jenny for a fun giveaway!

I FINALLY added info to the Tabs below my blog header. 
(About Me & Contact)
Before, when you clicked on them, they were empty! 
Now, they have info! Check them out!
Hope you are all having a great Tuesday!


  1. Hello! Following you from the blog hop. What a great blog! Hope you follow back :)

  2. I cannot believe my luck!!! I am so very excited that I won. In fact my whole family should be excited that I may finally get my act together.

    My e-mail address is

    I am glad your fever has broke and hope the sinuses start feeling better now too!

  3. Yay Luke, keep up the good work! Over at the "P" household, we (except me) are sick and have been for 3 weeks! Liam has been waking twice a night with a nasty cough and even Tatum, too! Will be glad when this nastiness is gone to get back on track! I don't have any sick days either--I make so much (insert sarcasm and a bit of laughter) that if I or the kids get sick here and there it doesn't matter! Thank God for Erik! Hope you feel better!

  4. Hope your feeling heaps better soon!! Im so very jealous of your little sleep machine! I hope my youngest decides that sleeping through is a fun thing to do before he's one! I think i'm gunna have to join your Get Pin-spired next month, there are some gorgeous outfits on Pinterest to imitate!

  5. Luke needs to come tell Jocelyn how to do this sleep thing :P And I hear ya on 3rd kids and schedules! I'm lucky if Joce gets to nap at all in her crib and not the car!

  6. My son is 4 and still has the worst sleep habits ever. He wakes up EVERY SINGLE NIGHT at 1:30am and crawls into bed with me. He rarely sleeps through the night. Sigh. When does it end?

  7. Hello!

    I'm following from the GFC Blop Hop:) Have a good day!

    Lillies & Silk

  8. hate that you were sick but so glad that you are feeling better!! and woo hoo for a good sleeper!!! our littlest still isn't a consistently good sleeper. and i have found myself having to make myself stress less about alot of things since adding little one #3!
