

Let's Pretend I'm Still on Christmas Break.

It's 1am on Sunday Night/Monday morning.
I have to be at school in 7 hours. UGH.
But here I am, blogging because I can't sleep.
You see, I have been on Christmas Break for the past 16 days, which means for the past 16 days I have stayed up late EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT (we are talking about going to bed after 1 am)
I blame this on the fact that 1)  I am a night owl and 2) I have been dealing with a cranky teething baby who hasn't wanted to go to sleep until after midnight.
Also, the past 2 weeks we have been in party mode & vacation mode and our normal schedule has gone out the door. All of us have been staying up way later than normal and sleeping in way later than normal.
Kevin has also had the past 2 weeks off. Glorious!
So here I am, wide awake and everyone else in my house is sound asleep.
Monday is back to reality......School and Work.
Let's take a look at what Christmas Break looked like.
For starters, I pretty much wore pj's all day, every day. Not kidding.
The day after Christmas, the 4 of us I mean 5 of us (I keep forgetting there are 5 of us now!) headed up to Lake Tahoe to enjoy the snow. 
One thing about me. I LOVE the snow. LOVE it.
I may be a California girl born and raised, but I LOVE snow. 
There is a reason I went to college in Colorado. One of those reasons is SNOW. 
It makes me happy. It's so peaceful and calming. Love, love, love it.
Here is a picture of me that Kevin took the first night in Tahoe. 
It was 15 degrees. We got the house all toasty & cozy with a fire, but I kept getting fever chills. Not good. I took a hot shower. Didn't work. Still feverish. I thought I was getting mastitis. Woke up the next morning & I was fine. Yay. No drama.
The first of many snowy pictures I took.
Luke is his cozy fuzzy fleecy snow outfit.
First time in the snow. Yay!
More trees with snow on them. Happiness.
The girls "clearing off" the deck.
Making a snowman.
Meet Frosty:
Nature's Ice Chest.
Have you seen this show, Shipping Wars on A&E? LOVE it. There was a marathon on one day. I so many episodes.
Icicles on our roof:
Kevin built the girls a sledding hill in the front yard. Hours of fun.
Cutest snow baby EVER.
Hot coco by the fire. Bliss.
The girls got a Wii for Christmas. My favorite games include: Bowling, Mario Cart & Just Dance 4.
More snow. I can't get enough!
My favorite coffee shop in Tahoe:
Heading back home. Always bittersweet. I could have stayed another week.
The day after we got home it was NYE and my sisters and I had a trip to Napa planned!
(Can I just say that I love living in California? One day we are in the snowy mountains & the next day we are in the sunny vineyards with rolling green hills. Love it)
My older sister turned 35 in August and wanted to do a sisters wine tasting day, but since Rebecca & I were both pregnant, we postponed it until now. 
First stop, Rombauer Vineyards!
Next stop, Elyse Winery in honor of Elyse!
Then, we went to Cakebread Cellars....YUM.
A late lunch at Dean & Duluca....can you say cheese?
It was a great last day of 2012.
Then, 2013 kicked off and I had a girls night out with some local bloggers!
We went to dinner & a Favorite Things Party!
From Left to Right (on the top): Emily, Julie, Wendy, Keri
Bottom: (Heather G, Heather M, Liz, Me, Kim, Jess.

Oh, and did you know that I am tall? And have very short friends?
See Exhibit A:
Feel free to call me Amazon Mel :)

Christmas Break was also spent dealing with a teething Luke. 
Not even 5 months old and his bottom 2 teeth already broke through.
This calls for Tylenol for him and wine for me. 
Has anyone used one of those Amber teething necklaces? Do they work? Or is it just a gimic?
Let me know.  This guy needs some relief. And sleep. So do I.


  1. I love colorado, seriously mad love. However, you and your california friends make me want to move to cali, ha!

  2. We are back to school and hubby to work today as well. He was home all two weeks. We are about 90 minutes from Tahoe and spent a lot of time up there as well...I feel like my blog post from our Christmas Vacation was all Tahoe pictures!
    Wish I lived in the bay area...hubby works there most of the time.... because you bay area bloggers have some fun get togethers! :)
    Happy Monday!

  3. I used amber teething necklace for Alex when he was getting his new adult teeth. Worked like magic!!! He went from chewing on everything to totally fine.

  4. We are such good friends because we both adore snow, wine and cheese. We are not such good friends because you stay up way too late. When you go to sleep in CA at 1:00 AM...I am only one hour away from WAKING up in Texas. That my friend, is weird. Happy first day back to normal!

  5. The amber teething necklace worked very well on my 2 girls.
    I also liked to see them with a nice necklace :-)
    You can always try it.

  6. I felt cozy just reading this post! Love the girls in the snow. They're adorable! And Napa, yum.

  7. SO jealous of the Snow and Luke's snow outfit is PRECIOUS! :-)

  8. Your break looked amazing! I moved back to Michigan from Colorado a few years ago (to be near family) and I miss it SO much...there's just something about the mountains. Happy New Year!

  9. As a Midwesterner, I wonder if you'd love snow if you ha to deal with it for 4 months a year??;) I'd love it too if it was in Tahoe and not in my driveway! You are very blessed to enjoy that and it looks like you had tons of fun!

    I was a little nervous of the necklaces after reading the disclaimers at our local green baby store. We used a ton of orajel natural (it uses licorice and natural soothers). I know there has been bad press on the original orajel ingredients, but we (and baby!) loved the natural. I see a lot of the necklaces on blogs...I guess do a little research first?

    And I'm right there with ya on going back to school today. It was tough. Too bad wearing pajamas is not acceptable.

  10. Back to school for me today too! I was up past 2a.m. last night-man did I miss my jammies today!

  11. Ok - we need to be friends! First...I live in Colorado! Word! I played college sports! Like you! I have a teething boy too! And I am taller than my friends too!! Meant to be! hehe!

  12. I am using an amber teething necklace on Jocelyn and I can't tell you that I'm impressed at all. However, she could just be an awful teether and the necklace actually DOES make a difference. It could always be worse, right?

  13. Have ever looked into Humphrey's for teething? My pharmacy used to have them and I used them for my kids teething periods--all natural. Check them out.

  14. i wish we had time for dean and deluca on our day - MORE CHEESE. :) But that only gives me more reason to go back! :)

    you had so many great adventures.
    blogger meet up was probably the best one, right? ;) hahha! so good to see you!

  15. hmmm sorry if I'm double-commenting. Not sure where my last one went!??
    Anyway, I've heard good things about the teething necklaces but didn't use them.
    We went to Cakebread on our honeymoon! So great!
    I know I told you like three years ago that I was a camp counselor with Elyse on a houseboat back in the day. She's totally in my scrapbook! So funny!

  16. Love the pictures of Luke in his little snow outfit. I never used the teething necklaces for Pearson. I just couldn't decide if I thought it would really work so I never wasted the money. Honestly Pearson just had trouble with his first two teeth and after that he was fine. I think he just didn't know what was happening and now that he knows what teething feels like it doesn't bother him at all. Literally I'll look in his mouth periodically and be like Oh wow, you have two more teeth!!

  17. Amber teething necklace worked well for my daughter...either that or she was an easy teether! My friend's son was a drool monster until she put the necklace on him & she notices a difference when she forgets to put it on him (and so does her daycare provider!)
    Just be sure to get one made for baby (knotted between each bead) and also the lighter the amber color the better it is supposed to work.

  18. Oh, and if you're worried about safety, just wrap it around his ankle. That's what we did at night-time.
