

10 on 10 :: January 2013

 Before I post my 10 on 10, I just wanted to say thank you for all your nice comments about my 26th Act of Kindness. 
It was really nothing I did, just God working through people!
10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
It's the first 10 on 10 of 2013!
My day has been CRAZY busy. 
Here's a sneak peek!
It's cutie season! Love, love, love these oranges. The girls & I eat about 4 a day...each!
 Beautiful January Day. Fun puffy clouds:

  This girl's answer is Hysterical. Saying the power went out & that is why the time was 12:00. Classic.
 Sharpening pencils.
 It was a long day of school with a meeting after school. It called for some Peanut m&m's

 After school snack for the girls. English muffins with cinnamon sugar:
Bo Bo the Wonder Dog:
Kate picked some flowers for me:
 Getting some things prepped for Kate's 6th Birthday Party that's coming up!
I hope you had a good 10th! 
Check out more 10 on 10 here:
 ten on ten button


  1. I just had my first Cutie this week, and I am in love. Yum.

  2. mel! loved reading about your 26acts. praise jesus!

    i want peanut m&ms please.
    and love the girls' after school snack, yum!
    luke is so darn cute. love seeing him on ig;)

    love ya! xo

  3. I had my first cutie today :)

    Cinnamon sugar is the bomb!! My Mom taught me that one haha

  4. cutie season is my favorite season! and thank the lord for cinnamon and sugar.

  5. What a lovely day! Cinnamon sugar on toast/english muffin is so yummy. I laughed at the answer on the math problem (now I'm going to have to try and figure that one out).

  6. Love your set!
    Your pics are inspiring!!!
    Love the "m&m" the most...

    Kisses and blessings.
    (from Brazil - but participating!)

  7. I have to buy a new box of cuties once a week because we love them so much.
    I absolutely love that picture of your sweet dog. I forgot that we are dog twins :)

  8. love your pics...your luke is such a beautiful seeing him on IG...amazed at how much you accomplish in a day...xo

  9. I love that power outage response--how creative! I definitely wouldn't have thought of that growing up. :)

    Great set!

  10. loved seeing a sneak peek into your day. hallelujah for cuties, they're my fave. love following you on ig :)

  11. love your set of 10 on 10! And I just read your post over on Get Your Pretty On. Great tips! I try really hard to make an effort each day to make myself look and feel good. It's worth that extra time and effort for me even if I'm staying home all day! But my question is, where did you find that amazing polka dot sweater?! I must have one! :)
