

Snapshots from Christmas

Christmas is always a magical time, but for me, with a baby in the house it makes it even that much more magical. Here are my 3 on Christmas Eve as we headed out to church for the Christmas Eve service.
Growing up, we opened up all our presents on Christmas Eve, so we headed to Mimi & Jimmy's after church.

 Brother Cousins celebrating their 1st Christmas both with Argyle Vests.

 My sister Elyse got me the greatest gift, a mason jar wine glass. Love it!
Then it was time to head home, get the kids in bed & play Santa.
Kate wanted to leave the milk in a Giants cup because "Santa is a Giants Fan". Yes he is Kate, yes he is.
All set for the morning...before midnight. That's a first!
 Kate was up at 8, but Claire didn't wake up until after 9:15! Finally, it was time to head downstairs:
So excited they got Play-doh machines. The only thing Kate asked for. I am not a play doh fan (the mess!!!!) but since it was the one and only thing she wanted, I HAD to get it for them.
Luke's 1st Christmas. Love it.
Not too sure about the bouncer Santa brought.
I only got Luke 3 things for Christmas (he's a baby, doesn't know the difference) and one of those items was this hat I got at Old Navy. I am OBSESSED with him wearing it. Ack. So cute.
The girls got hats also...that I found at Safeway!
Then it was back to Mimi & Jimmy's for the day. 
My dad makes a 3 meat breakfast/brunch every Christmas. I eat 2 meals on Christmas. This and dinner.
 Our dinner this year was Filet Minagon. And, the PW's mushrooms. And green bean casserole. And I made my loaded mashed potatoes with bacon. So much good food.
And, good wine.
One of favorite games to play as a family is Mexican Train Dominoes.
It was a nice, mellow Christmas. And, by December 26th it was all taken down.
 We put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving, so by Christmas it is shedding & ready to be taken down.
 It's always bittersweet taking down Christmas. 
I love the Christmas songs & reflecting on Christ's birth and that a he is our Savior is here to save us.
I love our house during Christmas. I love the lights, the tree & the decorations.
But when it's over, I get sad it's over, so I put it all away & anxiously await until next year to put it all up.
Hope you had a Merry, Merry Christmas as well!


  1. You seriously have the most beautiful family! :-) We always open our gifts on Christmas eve too and then have santa on Christmas day! :-)

  2. I agree, your family is so beautiful. I love your son in his little hat. The looks on your girls' faces as the are coming down the stairs...priceless. Happy New Year to you!!

  3. Beautiful family! I love everyone in their hats.

    Happy New Year

  4. Perfect day!! I am the same way the day after Christmas the stuff comes down.

  5. Merry Christmas. All the photos of your kids are gorgeous. I am glad it was relaxing. As much as I loved the holiday, I'll probably feel more organized when I start packing it all up too.

  6. Great post! Looks like you had a WONDERFUL Christmas!!!!

  7. Great pictures. Looks like you had a wonderful Xmas. I love Luke's hat

  8. Luke's hat is perfection! My daughter loved that same bouncer from about 6-10 months. It was our most useful piece of furniture:) watch your door frames if they are painted- ours did a number on the paint job!

    Your Christmas meals looked great too. Merry Christmas!

  9. I miss my kids being little.
    I didn't even take out the "big girl camera" Christmas morning!
    I need a baby...I need YOUR baby, to be more specific!
    Belle was looking over my shoulder as I was reading this post, and she screamed when she saw Luke saying, "Can we adopt a baby!????"
    I told her I only want YOUR baby!!!!

    seriously...beautiful pictures of a beautiful family.
    the focus is so obviously Jesus, and that is what makes your family shine!

    thanks for being such a huge source of comfort, strength, and love to me and my family this month.
    love you!

  10. Aw, your baby guy is ADORABLE in that hat. I would be obsessed with him, too :)

    Thanks for sharing your lovely Christmas. And Happy New Year to you in advance!

  11. Looks like it was a great Christmas for your fam!
    I love your fam pic in front of the tree on Christmas Eve.
    And those PW mushrooms...omg I haven't tried those yet but now my mouth is watering and I think I also need a glass of wine. ;)

  12. your kiddos are precious! Hubby & I didn't get Elyse much either...she got plenty from everyone else!

  13. your family is precious. and yes that hat for your son is adorable!! your kids seem so sweet. glad your family had a Merry Christmas. and hope for a Happy New Year!!

    KC --

  14. Happy New Year! What a colorful and cheerful look back :)

    Luke is *killing* me in that hat. Oh my stars. He's darling!
