

Flashback Friday: Retro Baby Edition

It's been awhile since I have done a Flashback Friday post!
After Luke was born, Kevin's mom brought over 2 of Kevin's outfits from when he was a baby.
 I put them on Luke for a little photo shoot last month.
Kevin's mom still had pictures of Kevin in these outfits, so I of course had to do a side by side comparison
  Kevin is (obviously) on the left with the 1970's pink tinged photos.
Luke was like....get me out of these 1970's clothes.
Kevin & Luke as sleeping babies. I totally think they look alike. It's kinda tripping me out.
And, just for fun, here are pictures of my sisters & I and my girls in the same outfit.
I am so glad my mom saved this outfit of ours and that Kevin's mom saved a few outfits of his.
And, they had pictures of us in them!
I have a few of the girls dresses saved as keepsakes that I will give them if they have baby girls. 
As Luke grows out of his baby clothes, I will put aside a couple of my favorites to save for his future kids.
Anyone else have their own baby outfits that they have dressed their kids in? 
And, is anyone else obsessed with comparison pics like me?


  1. How sweet! That makes me want to ask my mother-in-law if she has any of my hubby's baby outfits :)

  2. That's so cool you have outfits saved! I recently saved some of my favorite outfits of Ethan in a special box with pictures of him wearing each one and put it away in hopes one day he'll pass them onto his kids, if not for a fun photo op like this!

  3. my mother hand made a lot of my clothes so she kept a TON for me to save for my kids! Too bad 1978 children's clothes haven't come back in style :P
