

Evolution of My Diaper Bag

Now that I have had 3 kids, I have been thinking about how my parenting has changed & evolved over the past 5 1/2 years of Motherhood.

One of the most obvious things that has changed from Baby #1 to Baby #3 is my diaper bag (or lack of).

This was my diaper bag when I had Kate:
I took it EVERYWHERE with me. It was huge. And, because I was a first time mom, I wanted a "name brand" diaper bag. I researched & researched diaper bags & got this Peutina Pickle Bottom at Nordstrom for a ridiculous amount of money. (Shaking my head)

This is what I had in Kate's diaper bag:
  • 5-7 extra diapers
  • Package of wipes
  • Fold up Pad to Change her on
  • 2 extra pacifiers
  • pacifier holder
  • bottle of hand sanitizer
  • 2 burp cloths
  • 1 plain white onesie
  • 1 cute onesie
  • 1 pair of footies/sleep n play outfit
  • socks
  • gas drops
  • extra breast pads 
  • Hooter Hider
  • diaper cream
  • Aquaphor
  • Lanisoh Nipple Cream
  • Bib
  • Blanket
  • bottle of water (for me, since I get thirsty while nursing)
  • a plastic target bag in case she blew out an outfit
  •  Squeaky Toy/Rattle
This is what I used when I had Claire.
I ditched the huge Diaper Bag and used this:

It contained a built in changing pad & fit in my big purse.
This held:
  • 5-7 diapers
  • package of wipes
  • extra onesie
  • extra outfit
  • pacifier & pacifier holder
  • burpcloth
  • hand sanitizer
Fast forward a few years & here I am with Baby #3.
It has been YEARS since I carried a diaper bag 
(Luke is almost 4 years younger than Claire & 5.5 year younger than Kate)
 I didn't want to use a diaper bag with him, so this is what he gets:
That's right. 
A ziplock bag that I keep in my purse with a couple of diapers & a pack of wipes.
No change of outfit, no pacifier, no spare onesie. 
In fact, he had a blow out the other day and since I had no back up outfit, he just rode home in a diaper with no clothes on.
But, hey! Luke's "diaper bag" is the only one that is "monogrammed" Ha!
I am much more relaxed & go with the flow this time around & my diaper bag situation is proof of that!
Any other moms out there who ditched the diaper bag after their 1st or 2nd baby?


  1. I bust out laughing when I got to the last diaper bag...I am one hundred percent with you on this one. I did the same thing, my first I carried this gianormous bag, then with my middle child I carried the one you get at the hospital, and with my last I only carried wipes & a few pampers in my purse. Funny how we evolve!

  2. I was the exact same way! When baby #3 came along I just stashed her extra stuff in my purse. Things certainly change a lot between kiddo number 1 and number 3 :)

  3. read this!

  4. I was a HUGE diaper bag person with my first 4 kids. I also had the expensive one from Nordstrom and LOVED it. Then with Brady I didn't buy anything. I pulled out the expensive one from the twins and everyone kept asking me how old "she" was...the diaper bag was hot pink! I got tired of that so I kept it in the car and put a diaper and wipes in my purse. Very similar to you my friend. However, I have been wanting to get a "little" diaper bag for him so I was actually looking around on the web this past weekend. Now that I read this...maybe I won't.


  5. Totally laughed out loud at the monogrammed comment! Hilarious!
    Sheaffer :)

  6. Baby #1 -- no diaper bag unless we need to bring toys so its more of a toy bag

  7. Oh yeah... definately ditched the diaper bag midway through #2's babyhood, and never had one with #3... something I have told first time moms, and they never believe me!

  8. hilarious!! I do admit that I have a diaper bag for Jocelyn (My #3), but I leave it packed in the car at all times. I never bring it in and I hardly ever use it.

  9. Oh no! I'm going the opposite direction :). With #1, I carried a small bag... with #2 and #3 (twins), I have a huge diaper bag. The twins are 11 mos now and my daughter is not quite 3, so I still have a ton of things I lug around!

  10. I've remained constant, as in same bag for all Skip Hop Dash when I have the single stroller and my Skip Hop Duo with the double...LOVE them and they've stood the test of time! Your downsizing list is super funny & gotta live the ziploc!

  11. lol, love Luke's monogrammed "diaper bag". This post made me smile!! When I got pregnant with my first searching for the perfect diaper bag was my #1 favorite thing to do. I decided on a diaper bag. It was big, but I bottle fed so it held everything plus some! With my 2nd daughter I used the same bag for awhile because my girls are 2 years apart I was potty training my older one and had to carry those "just in case" panties/pants.
    Now my kids are 3 & 1 and I ditched the diaper bag, but carry a large purse to hold diapers, wipes, changing pad, baggy, & panties. I have a Vera Bradley backpack that works perfectly for everything I need.
    As always love your blog! :)

  12. Haha love the monogram :)
    It's so funny though, because I'm pregnant with my first baby and I've been agonizing over what kind of diaper bag to get. Maybe I should just go with the ziplock!

  13. Yup. I ditched the bag some time after the birth of my first child. There was no diaper bag after the 2nd {unless I was dropping him off somewhere and in most cases, it was a ziploc bag as well!}. I do have a diaper bag again now with my third, but it's little and it probably won't last long either. :)

  14. I find that so funny! I'm on baby number 1 and my changing bag looks a lot like your first one with Kate.

  15. This made me laugh. We are expecting our first in a few weeks. We have a diaper bag (nothing fancy) but I can imagine that I will be guilty of being as over-prepared as you were for your first. Not that it's a bad thing!! :)

  16. I have really been pondering the diaper bag thing lately. I have an 11 year old (not diaper bag need), a 1 year old and I am due in April. I switch between small and large all the time. Usually Large is too large, but then I am always missing something I need with the small.

  17. HaHa! This made me laugh. I have totally done the same thing as we have had more :). New follower from the mingle, would love a follow back.

  18. Big hugs and an amen!!! This post made me laugh so hard. I had the exact same PP diaper bag for my oldest.

    I just spent lunch begging my husband to buy me a handbag for Christmas. I haven't carried a big people bag in over 5 years! 'Don't you need a diaper bag, babe?' He said nodding at our two babies.. 'Nope, I am so over them!'

    Plastic baggies will do just fine, thanks!

  19. Big hugs and an amen!!! This post made me laugh so hard. I had the exact same PP diaper bag for my oldest.

    I just spent lunch begging my husband to buy me a handbag for Christmas. I haven't carried a big people bag in over 5 years! 'Don't you need a diaper bag, babe?' He said nodding at our two babies.. 'Nope, I am so over them!'

    Plastic baggies will do just fine, thanks!

  20. After my second child I purchased a large designer handbag. I justified it to my husband by saying it would double as a diaper bag. I didn't want to haul a purse and diaper bag. I had a cute designer purse that easily held my Ziploc baggie of diapers and wipes. Best decision ever! I wish I would have thought to "monogram" my baggie like you did for Luke's!

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  22. Great post, made me smile. Too true!!!

  23. Love it! Cracking up and oh so true!
    Found you from Sheaffer at
    You rocked your post on her site today!!!!

  24. this cracked me up! our first two were 18 months apart so they were both in diapers for a while. #3 was a surprise (long infertility story behind all of this) and is four years younger than our middle. this was so true of me. i knew that she was the last one and i was not going to spend any money on a cute bag this time around. she also had her crib in the second closet in the master bedroom until she turned 18 months old. it was just the right size for the crib and a changing table. that would have never happened with the first born. BUT, i did overcompensate with pictures. her first year baby book is the larges of the three because i did not want her to be 30 years old and wonder why she did not have one.

  25. I was the same way when my third came along. With my first I think I may have had a second bedroom in my bag but with my third just a few diapers, wipes and a change of clothes. I just kept it in my car.

  26. This post makes me laugh. I'm only on child #2, but I have a feeling the crazy mom over pack will wear off a lot sooner.

    Found you via Mommy Mixer.

  27. ha! Yes. I have a huge bag this time because we do have two of everything, but I never carry it. I am the mom in the nursery at church borrowing waipes from the other mom's diaper bags. ha!
    Love this post and your guest post was GREAT too. Love the outfits!

  28. This is so familiar to me. I still have my diaper bag from my first but it almost never leaves the car. I have an extra diaper in my purse and so far that's worked out fine.


  29. oh how true! I think with my first I also brought a change of clothes and clothes for every weather event that could possibly happen...with my 8th...there wasn't even a diaper bag...just legos and lollipops in my coat pocket..
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    a fun post!

  30. You are TOTALLY right on!!!! My sis couldn't take that I was toting around a ziplock (or worse... a diaper with "Chloe" written in Sharpie and NO wipes...), so she made me cute little diaper tote. It holds 2-3 diapers and a few wipes in a ziplock (or thin wipe container) with her name on it. (You know what I mean, they're everywhere.)

    Poor 3rd+ kids... ;)

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  33. Hey hey. I had a problem with finding the best diaper bag and I tried MAAAANY. But this one here finally was the one. It has everything. Hope it helps someone out like it did me.
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  35. Great article, thank you for sharing this article. My child is getting bigger too, and now I basically can’t use this wholesale diaper bag anymore.

  36. Wow!Great article, thank you for sharing this article. My child is getting bigger too, and now I basically can’t use this wholesale mommy bag anymore.

  37. Hey you can buy Merries Premium Diapers which comes with proper packed in diaper bag

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